Chapter 13

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The next day- Nathan's POV

We were sat cross-legged on the floor opposite each other with our hands entwined in front of us when Lucas finally came back in. We'd had quite a busy night, we'd talked a bit, kissed a lot and just generally spending as much time together as possible before Lucas decided to separate us again... Ass.

"Ugh enough PDA. Anyway... Are you excited Lili? Not long now until you become like me." He smiled deviously so I shot him the dirtiest look that I could conjure up which probably looked like a sad puppy... I wasn't great at trying to be angry. I looked over at Lili and she was cringing and looking disgusted.

"It's okay." I whispered, squeezing her hand encouragingly.

"So what's next on this journey to vampirism?" She said, attempting to be cheerful as Lucas left again, he must have just come back to check we were still here.

"Fangs." I said, retracting mine and pointing to them.

"Are they sharp?" She asked hesitantly.

"As knifes." I said sadly.

"Let me guess... Insane pain?" She said, sighing and looking down at the floor.

"On the nose," I said, kissing her nose, "You're a quick one, aren't ya? Well basically it will hurt like hell the first few times but after a while it's just a little numb pain, I'm used to it." I said, forcing my fangs to go away.

"Fantastic... Hey why does it hurt anyway? I mean I'm practically dead so shouldn't it be painless?" She asked, tilting her head slightly in thought and curiosity and it was one of the most adorable things I had ever seen.

"That's something you should ask Tom... Oh." I said before realising I could not say that anymore, well I don't know. I'd be lying if I said I had given up, I have complete faith in the boys and I know they will be trying to save us, I just don't know how. Of course I am a bit downtrodden however I have faith. I missed the boys like crazy, even though I don't really want to be what I am the boys make me feel like their brother and that made accepting being a vampire so much easier. Tom always knew everything because he was the oldest and the leader due to that reason and the other boys always simplified down what he was saying so that it would make sense to me since I still know very little about everything vampire related.

Lili wrinkled her nose up slightly at the mention of Tom's name which confused me immensely.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Nothing... It's just... Do you really want to be associated with their kind?" She said quietly and gently, looking away from me slightly. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The boys, well maybe except Tom, had always been nothing but good to her in the time that she'd known them and yet she was saying this... Was this some kind of a joke?

"Their kind? Their kind! I don't even know why I'm bothering with you if you can be so easily persuaded." I yelled, throwing her hands away from mine and storming away from her. I had so much hope that we would come out of this the same way we came in, I'm just naive I suppose. I felt like I was giving up, on myself and on me and Lili but once she's gone then I'll probably follow. I just felt so angry because I was only holding on for her but it turns out she wasn't holding on for me anyway.

"Nathan-" She said sternly, trying to capture my attention.

"Oh shut up!" I snapped. An expression that could only mean pure anger suddenly appeared on her face but was quickly replaced by fear, pain and shock. She gasped, yelped and fell to the floor.

"Lili? Are you okay?" I dashed over to her side, I could never stay mad at her. She brought her hand to her mouth and when she brought it back down, two teeth were sat on it. She opened her mouth slightly and she had two gaps where her canine teeth should have been. The sharp tips of her vampire canines stuck out very slightly from her gums.

You're Hurting Me From Inside Of My Head- Nathan Sykes vampire fanficWhere stories live. Discover now