Chapter 9

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Sorry that there have been no updates lately, I've been on holiday in Ireland and then a few days later I went to Wales and THERE WAS NO WIFI, HOW AWFUL! I've been Twitter deprived! L Anyway, I brought my laptop and wrote the chapter on Word because I'm that dedicated. And I'm also sorry because this is a bit of a nothing chapter, it's not very good or interesting but it leads up to something quite big so please be patient. I probably should have combined this chapter with the next one but I didn't want to make you wait any longer so that I could write all of it. Plus I'm evil and I like to leave things on a cliff hanger. J It's really weird because Two Shoes, my other Nathan fanfic- check it out if you haven't already, and this fic have both had boring chapters at the same time and for their next chapters they both reach their climax at the same time. Weird.


Nathan's POV

Everything that happened today suddenly sank in and I couldn't help but think that it's all my fault. It's all my fault. If I hadn't auditioned for the band I'd never be a vampire and Lili wouldn't be sat next door being practically tortured. My frustration and anger took over and I sat down and punched the wall. It barely hurt me since vampires are incredibly strong, nothing but a numb ache that passed quickly which frustrated me even more since I couldn't take any anger out on myself. The cement was strong and didn't buckle but I noticed a small hole in it that I wouldn't have noticed otherwise. Maybe I wasn't as alone as I thought I would be.


I poked my pinkie finger through the small gap and tried to wear away the cement so that I could get all the way through. The cement crumbled quite quickly which made sense since the room, if you could call it that, looked ancient. It was simple: concrete floor and large bricks like a prison which I suppose it is one. I knew the room next to mine was Lili's and I desperately needed to be with her, even just speak to her to give me some peace of mind. Now that I knew that she loved me back I felt complete and now that she wasn't with me, I felt like I'd been torn in two and I needed her. I needed her badly. The small gap was tiny and it was crushing my finger so I worked quickly. Moving my finger from side to side and up and down in an attempt to make more room and once I had, I moved forward until I could see light coming through it coming from Lili's room.

It had been hours and I'd spent them staring at the wall and using my finger to work my way across from one side of a brick to the other, wearing away at the crumbling cement. I spent another few hours wearing away at the cement above and below and I could fit my hand through the gap. I slowly moved my hand forward until a few centimetres of my fingers poked out. Suddenly someone grasped my fingers. I pulled my hand back quickly in shock. I leaned down and peered through the gap and saw familiar, beautiful eyes staring back at me.

"Nathan?" Lili asked hesitantly.

"Lili!" I exclaimed, suddenly giddy like a little kid. I pushed my hand through the gap again and let Lili touch my fingers. It sent tingles through my spine and a huge smile formed on my face.

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault." I apologised, trying to suffocate the sadness, while she traced lines across my fingertips.

"Hey you didn't know this would happen. Don't blame yourself." She said quietly and comfortingly.

"H-how are you?" I practically whispered because I was afraid of the answer.

"I'm... Fine. I've gotten used to it." She hesitated and that told me everything I needed to know. I knew she wasn't fine, that was clear.

"But you shouldn't have to! It is my fault!" I yelled.

"Things happen for a reason Nathan," She snapped meaning she was stressed and lying which obviously meant she was hurting, "Now stop moping around and let's see if we can remove this brick." She said positively. This is one of the reasons that I love her, we could be in the worst situation possible and she won't let either of us dwell on the negative.

I remember when we were little and her Mum passed away suddenly, just out of the blue and she cried like anyone would but she never drowned in self-pity, she always just said 'she's in a better place and she'll be happier now. I'll miss her but at least she is happier' and she picked herself up, helped her Dad plan the funeral, because he was too upset, so that everything was perfect and so her Mum would have liked it and then she went back into school. I sort of forgot about my crush on her for a while but when I watched her do that I couldn't help but admire her and that quality of get up and go made me fall in love with her all over again. It made me stronger and more determined than ever to be the best best friend possible so that maybe, one day, she could love me too. And now that's the reality and all my dreams have come true and I am determined to stay by her side for as long as we both shall live but to make that happen I have to make sure she lives, one way or another.

Since there were no windows, only a harsh, yellow light, the only way to gauge the time of day is to look at a clock. Time seemed less important down here so Lili and I were still up at 5AM and in that time we pulled out a brick so that we could properly hold hands and see each other. I imagine Lili was tired but since she was so occupied with the task at hand, she was still wide awake and since I didn't need to sleep, even though I do anyway, I was able to stay up as well.

Eventually we just sat there in silence, fingers entwined, but it was enough for us. I think that when you're truly in love with someone, you don't need words to express how you feel. It's the little things like her rubbing circles on my hand to distract her and comfort me, the way her eyes don't stare at mine for very long as if I could see into her soul and see her misery that she was working so hard to disguise and the way when she looks towards the door in her room to check no one is coming, she places a hand on her neck like she's remembering the pain of every single bite. And I know how much it hurts her. I don't remember much about when I was turned, just a paralysing pain spreading from my neck across my body and Lili goes through that agony at least once a day. Plus it's worse because they bite her in a different place each time. If they used the same spot over and over again it would be like a numb pain but since they make a fresh bite each time, it tastes fresher and better to them but feels ten times worse for Lili. I'll kill them for that. I'll kill them for hurting Lili.

"Well well well. What do we have here? Lucas will just love this..."

I have written the next chapter but I won't update now because I want to give myself time to write more chapters because when I go back to school I won't have time anymore because I'm going into year 10 and I've got quite a few GCSE exams coming up, sorry people who don't live in the UK that probably made no sense. So if after 2 days and not before (to give me some more time), I can get at least 200 views on this chapter, at least 10 votes and at least 8 comments I'll update once the next chapter is finished and perfected. J But that should be fine because I get about that on each chapter normally anyway. So just make sure to vote, comment and promote J Thank you for your patience! Love you guys! Also, if you haven't already check out Almost is Never Enough by Ariana Grande feat. Nathan Sykes, although I'm sure you all have because this is a Nathan Sykes fanfic.

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