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Livi's POV

"Sam let's go!!"

I yelled through out the tour bus. Sam and I have been married for two weeks and we are just getting around to our honeymoon.

"It sucks that we only get to leave for five days" Sam complained.

"I know bubs, but we have thirty plus years to go on vacation together, the tour can't wait unfortunately. Also I love my fans, even though you're my biggest one" I said kissing his cheek. Big Rob put our bags in Jacob's car, since he was driving us to the airport. I went back in the bus to say goodbye to the girls.

"Goodbye girls, have fun on your break" I said giving each one a hug.

"Bye guys, don't make any babies and use protection!" Dinah screamed while Bea agreed.

We finally got to the airport and some fan were waiting for us, "hello loves!" I said hugging each and every one of them.

"Liv, you are going to be late" Jacob warned me. I said goodbye to the fans and checked in with Sam, then walked to security.

"Bye Jacob! I'll definitely won't miss you!" I said giving him a hug, his large arms wrapping around my middle. Jacob let go and pouted.

"I'm just teasing, silly goose" I said laughing as Jacob and Sam shook hands.

"Okay I'll text everyone as soon as we land in Hawaii, goodbye!" I said walking through the security gate, separating Jacob and I. Sam and I got on to the plane, I fell asleep as soon as we departed.

"HAWAII" I yelled excitedly as we walked out the airport. Thankfully no fans were there so we could go to the hotel ASAP. I grabbed my phone out of my bag once we got in our rental car.

"Thanks for driving babe, I'm going to tell everyone we are here!" I said giving him a quick kiss

@livimarie :
we are here 💕🌴
After my tweet I looked through my timeline and all I saw was hate. "Ugh fans" I said rolling my eyes.

"They're just jealous I have you as my babygirl" Sam said smiling. I blew him a kiss in response and texted our friends.

Livi : WE ARE HERE!!
Lauren : yass boo
Dinah : take tons of selfies for me!
Bea : ^^^
Ally : we miss you!!
Camila : miss my livliv
Livi : I'm getting tons of extra hate for taking vaca
Jacob : don't listen to the assholes that don't know you
Bea : ^^
Lauren : ^^^
Ally : moni fell asleep on me, ugh but ^^

"We are here boo, c'mon!!" Sam said kissing my hand. He noticed my sad face,

"Don't worry about 'em babe" he said softly kissing my temple. I smiled at him and got out the car. I got all our stuff and put it in the condo.

@livimarie :
thanks, but don't tell us how to live our lives

I put down my phone and looked at Sam,

"Race ya to the pool!" I said running out the door.

"I'm going to get you!!" Sam said as I laughed.
I jumped into the pool, my face underwater and my worries floating away.

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