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Livi's pov
Today was our last day in Hawaii, we were coming back early to surprise Bea for her birthday!

"Sammer's c'mon!" I said like a child.

"I'm coming! Are you ready?" He asked me standing by the door.

"Yes, let's go before we get mobbed" I said getting in the elevator. We got to beach and put all our stuff down.

"RACE YOU" I said screaming excitedly. I ran to the water before Sam picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I laughed then gave him a quick kiss before getting down. We've been at the beach for about an hour but we have to go to airport soon.

"I'll miss Hawaii" I said pouting.

"I will too, my beautiful sunburnt baby" Sam said taking a picture. We got in the car, Sam driving.

"Although I'm glad to be going back, I miss Levi" Sam said driving.

"Same!! And Roxi, the girls, Bea, Jacob, Sofi" I rambled as we pulled into the airport. We weren't in the mood to be bothered so we went through the back entrance to security. We finally got on the airplane and we're waiting to take off!

"Babe take a selfie with me!!" I said holding out my phone.

@livimarie :
ladies this is what happens when you slide through the DM's
* insert photo *

We finally landed in Boise, Idaho and Lauren was waiting for us.

"Okay you know the drill, lay low and hold on" she instructed while Big Rob cleared a path. We put our bags in the car and got in while Big Rob got in the driver's seat.

"Thanks for coming with Big Rob! Whatcha guys been up too?" I asked Lauren.

"No problem, I've been binge watching AHS and sleeping in my hotel room. We've also had some meeting and rehearsals, Broklynn is going to fill you in." Lauren told me as we pulled up to the tour bus and hotel room.

"Are you doing tonight's concert?" Lauren asked me.

"Yeah! I'm excited to get back into the groove of things" I said unbuckling.

"Okay I'm going to call Jacob, if she isn't in her room, we will meet her where ever she is. I'm filming the surprise" Lauren said.

"Aw thanks lolo" I said giving her a hug. She smiled while he pulled out her phone. Sam and I grabbed our swimsuits just in case we would swim later.

"Okay they're at the pool swimming, Jacob is going to keep Bea swim for as long as possible, if they leave he'll call. Ooh you already grabbed your suits! We can just change in my room" Lauren informed us. We walked up to her room and changed. "

"Ready?" I asked Sam and Lauren.

"Yup, I'm filming right now and I can just crop out the extra footage" she said as we got closer to the pool. Lauren put her room key into the door and opened it. Bea didn't see us yet because she had her back to us.

"Happy birthday to my favorite, the most beautiful Beatrice Annika Miller" I said as she turned around.

"LIVI!" Bea screamed, hugging me.

"You didn't think I would miss your birthday party, did you?" I asked, smiling.

AN : // HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE QUEEN, BEATRICE ANNIKA MILLER!! YOU DA BOMB, I LOVE YOU. in honor of this day I shall listen to not an apology on repeat.

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