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Livi' POV

"I'm getting fatter and fatter every day" I said out of breath.

"Mija sit down! Take a deep breath, You need to remember not to be so hard on yourself, your carrying 2 babies, not one" she said as sat down next to her, giving me a shoulder hug.

"Sinu is right, Liv. Besides, why would you care what the public thinks when your going to be the one with the super cute kids!" Bea said, making me laugh.

"I'm fat and proud" I said.

"Say it louder" Normani cheered.

"IM FAT AND PROUD!" I shouted, while Sinu just shook her head at our antics. We all cracked up in laughter. 

"When do you find out the gender's?" Dinah asked me.

"I'm 17 weeks, so they are going to try next week" I said standing up and going to the kitchen.

"Hey Allycat! Whatcha Making?" I asked sitting at the island.

"Grilled cheese, do you want one?" She asked me.

"Sure, the two babies and I thank you!" I said laughing.

"Hey Liv, it's People magazine on the phone" Sam said handing me my phone. I signaled him to follow me into our office while I answered the phone.

"Hi Livi, People Magazine was wondering if you would be interested in doing a Photo spread and interview about living with the girls, marriage and being pregnant? We would also love if you brought the girls and Jacob along!" The lady said

"That sounds incredible, we would love too! What's the date and time?" I asked looking at my planner.

"Tonight at 6? Does that work?" The lady asked me.

"Yes! See you tonight" I said after we said goodbye.

"GIRLS! AND JACOB! We have a photo shoot at 6!" I yelled up the stairs. While I walked upstairs I heard various answers. I decided to poke my head into Lauren's room.

"Hey Jauregui" I said laying down next to her.

"How are my two babes doing?" She asked me.

"I'm good, thanks for asking! And the babies are fine" I said getting up.

"You also need to be ready in 30 minutes for the People Magazine photo shoot" I warned her. After awhile Sam and I were showered and dressed, Sam was watching TV downstairs while I helped Sofi get dressed.

"Te amo, princess! You are ready to go" I said to Sofi.

"Te Amo, Livi" she said wrapping her little arms around my neck.

"Awe" Sinu said. Sofi and I smiled at Sinu then went downstairs.

"WE GOTS TO GO!! LET'S GET IN THE VAN!" Ally ordered. I walked out to the van shoving my grilled cheese in my mouth.

"Classy Liv" Jacob teased, I just flipped him off. We finally got to the set of the shoot and took pictures.

"Okay, that's a wrap! Thank you to the crew and everyone that came! Livi and Sam we will contact you later about the interview part. Goodnight!" The manager of the shoot said.
We all piled into the van and went home instead of going out to eat because I wasn't feeling great.

"How you doing Liv? Any better?" Ally asked me as I hung my head on Sam's shoulder and her holding a puke bucket up.

"I feel dizzy, I want to go home" I whined.

"We're almost home hon, I promise" Ally told me as she tried to make me comfortable as possible, I was too tired too complain about the nickname. After a few minutes of pure pain, I decided to close my eyes to take my mind off the pain.

"Owww" I moaned, feeling pain shoot through my stomach. At this point I have no idea how I'm still alive.

"Al.." I tried to get out.

"What's wrong?" Ally asked me as Sam held me.

"I'm going to pass out any second now" I warned.

"Jacob, turn around and go to the Hospital" Ally ordered as Lauren and Dinah looked at me nervously. I started crying as the pain became unbearable. We arrived at the hospital, put me in a room and started giving me pain medication in an IV. Only Sam, Lauren, Bea, Sinu, Dinah and Ally were allowed in the room.

"Okay Mrs. Olivia, Your pregnancy is going great and you are healthy! The pain is a sickness that you will only have during your pregnancy, it's will only come a few times over the next 8 months, but when it does come it will be very painful unfortunately. Just take the medicine and lay down when it comes. Any questions?" The Doctor asked me.

"How long til I can do anything um... active?" I asked him.

"Oh you play sports?" He asked me, shocked.

"Um no, I was talking about being active in the bedroom?" I asked, blushing.

"OLIVIA MARIE!" Ally yelled embarrassed while Dinah and Bea were dying in laughter.

"Oh um, when ever you feel up to it m'am" The doctor said as he left.

"Sinu is right there!" Lauren and Sam said, embarrassed. Sinu just shook her head and laughed. We finally got the all clear to leave and my medicine.

"Liviloo, as soon as we get home I want you to go to bed" Ally told me.

"Okay Mom" I said rolling my eyes.

"I love you" Ally said looking into the rear view mirror.

"I love you too" I muttered as Ally just smiled.
When I got home Sofi was already asleep.

"Yeah she put up a fight when she had to go to bed without you, but I'm glad your back" Camila said giving me a hug. After telling everyone what happened and that I'm okay now, I went to bed.

"Good night Liv, I love you" Sam said as he cuddled up to me.

"Goodnight, I love you too" I said as my eyes closed.

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