baby shower

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Livi's POV

* warning, this is a short/fluff/filler chapter (: *
"Good morning, when do people start coming?" I asked Ally as she was preparing food.

"We already have some people here, it starts in five minutes" Ally told me, glancing at the clock.

"Oh! Well good thing I'm already dressed!" I said walking downstairs. I had my hair in waves with light makeup. I was wearing a tight, light purple dress that went to my knees with silver strappy flats.

"Happy birthday Moni!" I said to Normani, giving her a hug.

"Hi Aaliyah! So glad you and Shawn could make it!" I said giving her a hug, her small arms wrapping around my bump. I greeted the other guest's, then it was time to eat.

"Well if it isn't my favorite boys!" I said walking up behind 5SOS and One Direction.

"Hey Liv!" They all greeted me, each giving me a hug.

"Hey guys, so glad you could make it! Are you enjoying Ally's food?" I asked them.

"So good" Michael responded, biting into his sandwich.

"I'm glad, I'll talk you you guys later!" I said laughing.

"So glad you guys could make it all the way from Miami!" I said, greeting Clara, Sinu, Taylor, Chris and Sofi.

"We are so happy to be here!" Sinu and Clara said.

"We're lucky we get to use our spring break and a few weeks off of school to see the twins being born!" Taylor and Chris replied. I finally made my way to the food after I finished talking with Taylor and Chris.

"Liv sit down and take the pressure off your lower back. You making me worry is not good for my heart condition!" Ally warned.

"You don't have a heart condition!" I argued.

"Well I do now, sit down and relax" Ally told me.

I sat down and talked to some family until I started to feel sick.

"I need to lay down" I muttered after everyone left. I went upstairs in Sam and I's room until Clara came up to check up on me.

"What's up Mija?" Clara asked me.

"I don't feel good" I said to her.

"Do you think it's a flair up from that sickness you have?" Clara asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Probably" I said, groaning into my pillow.

"I'll have Sam bring up your medicine. I love you, feel better Mija. I'll be downstairs if you need me" Clara said getting up and going downstairs. I closed my eyes and tried to forget about the pain, until I heard the door open again.

"Hey babe, take these" Sam told me, holding out the pills.

"Is there anything you need?" Sam asked as I swallowed the medicine. I shook my head "no" and laid back down.

"I hate that you're in pain and I can't do anything about it" Sam confessed as he walked out the door.

"Stay" I said softly, making room in the bed for him.

"Of course" Sam answered as I covered my face into the croak of his neck. I fell asleep, and shortly after so did Sam.

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