getting ready

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Livi's POV

"HAPPY DUE DATE DAY!!" Everyone yelled when I walked into the kitchen.

"Thank you! I think I'm going to deliver on my due date" I said sitting down on a bar stool at the island.

"Why? What's wrong?" Camila asked me.

"My back is so sore, I've had three set's of Braxton Hicks today already and I'm huge" I groaned, putting my head down on the table.

"I'm sorry babe" Sam said, pulling me into a hug.

"Have you talked to any of your YouTube friends about the baby?" Jacob asked me.

"Yeah, I talked to Jenn a few days ago. The only YouTube people I'll have visit me in the hospital is Jenn, Anthony and Kian" I answered. I decided to get up and find Chris, since I've been spending a lot of time with Taylor.

"So.. Christopher. How's it going?" I asked Chris, sitting next to him on the couch.

"Good, why?" He asked me.

"I've been spending a lot of time with Taylor, so I've decided to spend time with you" I answered.

"Oh, ok" Chris said.

"So any girlfriend's? How's school?" I asked.

"Yeah, her name is Jade. She's so nice, funny and beautiful. I can't wait to be done with school" Chris answered.

"Aww Chris has a girlfriend. So I'm assuming you are excited to miss school to see the twins being born?" I asked him.

"Yeah, props to my mom for letting me come. She's pretty dope" Chris said, laughing.

"Sofi come here please!" I called.

"Hi Liv!" Sofi said.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked, with a smirk on my face.

"No, boys have cooties!" Sofi shrieked.

"Does Chris have cooties?" I asked her.

"No, Lolo said Chrisy was a man" Sofi answered. Sofi climbed up onto Chris's lap, kissed his cheek and jumped back down.

"Aw, I'm glad 'Chrisy' doesn't have cooties" I said as Sofi left to play with her toys.

"Livvvv take a selfie with me!" Chris asked while filming on snapchat.

"Thanks Olivia!" Chris said.

"You're welcome Christopher" I said while he filmed. I was still sitting next to Chris when I decided to watch TV while he played on his phone.

"Shhh, don't wake Livi up" I heard Chris say.

"Hmm? What's going on?" I asked, opening my eyes and sitting up.

"You cuddled up to me and fell asleep. Lauren took a picture" Chris answered.

"Well, pregnancy does take a toll on you" I said, patting my stomach.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"11:00 am, there's krispy kreme donuts in the kitchen by the way " Chris answered.

"I'm going to go find out if Taylor has a boyfriend, and a donut" I said getting up.

"Sit down, here's a donut. I don't want your blood sugar to go low, you also need to rest" Sam said frantically.

"Sam, babe, I'm fine. But since it worries you so much, I'll sit down" I said laughing.

"TAYLOR LIVI WANTS YOU" Chris yelled for me.

"Why thank you Chris" I said, laughing again.

"Yes?" Taylor asked, walking into the living room.

"So tell me about your boyfriend" I said.

"He's nice, smart, funny and loyal. He has sandy blonde hair and brown eyes" Taylor said quietly.

"How do you get ready for the future? How do you not be scared?" Taylor asked, sitting down next to me.

"Well everyone has a gift, it's up to you to find yours. One day you're 17 hanging out with your boyfriend in the school's courtyard planning for someday, then slowly someday turns into today and this is your life. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is the future and today is your life, you need to live it to the fullest" I answered, giving her a hug.

"Thanks, so you were a teenager like me, worrying about the future?" Taylor asked.

"Everyone was, you'll always be nervous about the future. But you cannot let that stop you from living the life. I always had that dream about singing in the back of my head, just like my daddy before me" I said.

"Your dad sang?" Sam asked, looking up from his phone.

"Yeah, he was in a band that played at the local bars on the weekends when I was a kid" I answered.

"Liv, you have such a way with words! You're just like Mila!" Taylor complemented.

"Aw thanks Tay" I said. Taylor got up from the couch and decided to hang out with Ally in the kitchen. I was watching TV with Chris as I put a hand on my stomach and wince as I felt the pain getting bigger.

"You ok? Do you want me to get someone? I mean, I'm excited for the babies, but I'm 18, I don't know how to soothe a pregnant chick!" Chris asked me.

"I'm fine, the babies are just kicking a lot today" I answered.

"Lunch is ready!" Ally called.

"Yay!" I cheered, walking to the table.

"Taylor helped me make lunch, we are having homemade fried chicken with all the fixings" Ally told us as we all sat down.

"Is your dad excited about the Miami Hurricanes advancing to the College World Series?" I asked Lauren.

"Yeah, he won't stop texting me about it" Lauren answered, laughing.

"Now you know what I deal with at home!" Clara jokingly complained. Everyone was quiet and focused on eating until I sharply inhaled from the pain.

"Are you ok Mija?" Sinu asked me, getting up.

"Yeah, I'm done so I'm going to lay down in my bed" I answered.

"I'm done eating, do you want me to keep you company?" Lauren asked me.

"You don't have to" I said getting up.

"No, I insist!" Lauren said helping me up the stairs. I laid down in my bed, while Lauren rubbed my back soothingly. I clutched my stomach in pain when I felt liquid flow down my leg.

"Lo, my water just broke" I said calmly.

"Oh my, the twins are coming! I'm surprised you're calm" Lauren said getting up. I changed my pants then Lauren helped me down the stairs.

"Mom! Sinu!" Lauren said impatiently.
Everyone else was in the basement.

"Yes Mija?" Clara and Sinu said at the same time, with their backs turned from us.

"Livi's water broke" Lauren said as they both whipped around, facing us.

"Oh honey" Clara said, giving me a hug.

"Will you please get Ally and Sam from downstairs? Tell the other's I'll text them later" I asked.

"Who is all going to the hospital?" Sinu asked me as Clara went downstairs.

"Sam, Ally, Lauren, Clara and you. I don't want the other's to have to wait for a long time" I answered. Clara, Sam and Ally came upstairs from the basement with all our hospital bags

"Let's go"

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