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Livi's POV

"Good morning, it's time to get up" I whispered to Lauren and the twins. I got the twins ready while Lauren got herself ready. I dressed the twins, did Berkley's hair, then went downstairs for breakfast.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked the twins.

"Banana!" Both of the twins answered.

"Do you want help?" I asked them as I have them the banana's.

"I broke it!" Bentley said sadly.

"No you didn't, it's ok, you just have to peel it" I said, trying not to laugh. I peeled the banana as Lauren was finally coming downstairs with her luggage.

"You ready Lo?" I asked Lauren.

"Yeah, what time is it?" Lauren asked.

"3:15 AM" I answered.

"I don't know why I feel tired, I used to stay up this late on tour" Lauren commented while going into the garage.

"You're getting old, do we have all the luggage in the car?" I asked.

"Yeah, we ready to roll?" Lauren asked.

"Yep!" I answered, excitedly. I buckled the twins into their carseat's, Lauren and I got in the car, I turned on the 1975 radio and drove to the airport while it softy played in the background. We pulled into the airport parking lot, turned our luggage in and started walking towards security. Lauren went first through security, then the twins and then I went. Lauren held Bentley as he fell asleep on her shoulder while I held Berkley. We walked to our gate then got on the airplane quickly. We landed in Seattle and got to our hotel room around noon. We got our bags then made our way to lunch.

"When does this event start?" Lauren asked me while buckling Berkley into her carseat.

"Hilary wants to meet us at 3:30, then the actual event starts at 4:30. I preform at 6, I'm last" I answered.

"Ok, so what's is the plan?" Lauren asked me.

"Lunch, get to our hotel room at one, we'll shower while the twins take a quick nap, we'll take turns bathing and dressing the twins while the other person gets ready, then depending how hungry everyone is we'll eat a little snack then we will go meet Hilary! What do you want for lunch?" I asked Lauren.

"Is there a Panera here?" Lauren asked the cab driver.

"Yes miss, we'll go to the nearest one" The cab driver answered her.

"Thank you!" Lauren said, going back to entertaining the twins. The cab parked into the Panera parking lot and told us he was going to be back in 45 minutes.

"What do you want Laur?" I asked Lauren.

"Broccoli cheddar soup is good, with a piece of bread for the side. I'll find a table while you order.

"Ok, can you take Benny?" I asked her.

"Sure!" She said, giggling at Bentley. Lauren and Bentley found a table and I finally got all the food.

"Here you go Lolo, careful it's hot" I said, placing the soup down. I finally got the twins their food and I started to eat.

"Mama I'm done" Berkley muttered.

"Ok love, Benny are you done?" I asked Bentley.

"Yeah mama" Bentley answered me. Lauren cleaned up the table while I got the twins ready to go. We left Panera, got into the cab and finally made it to our hotel room.

"Goodnight Twins, I promise to always keep you safe" I said, before going into the bathroom.

"Goodnight Berkley and Benny" Lauren said, tucking them in as I eavesdropped from the bathroom, smiling to myself.

family (book three of the BFTP series)Where stories live. Discover now