christmas eve

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Livi's POV

"Flight 357 is now boarding" the speaker system blared as we trudged to our gate.

"I don't want to leave Miami" I said sadly as I got on the airplane.

"Same" Lauren and Camila said, sitting in their assigned seats.

"Can't we just ship Dinah, Normani, Ally, Bea and Jacob out here?" I asked, laughing.

"I wish!" Camila agreed. We all sat in our seats and fell asleep for 5 hours.

"Is it just me or did you guys also fall asleep for the whole plane ride?" I asked as we got our bags from the baggage claim.

"I'm pretty sure we all passed out" Sam said, laughing. We got a taxi and finally got home.

"GIRLS! JACOB! WE'RE HOME!" We all yelled as we set our stuff down. Jacob, Ally, Normani, Bea, Dinah literally came running downstairs into our arms.

"I'm so glad we are all back together! And the fact that Christmas is in two days" Ally said.

"Well I hate to break up this party but I'm going to bed" I said, Lauren, Camila and Sam agreeing with me.

"You ok? It's only 7" Ally asked Sam, Lauren, Camila and I.

"Just tired. Time change, Al. It's 7 PM here but it's 11 PM in Miami so my body thinks it's bedtime" I explained.

"Oh yeah! Duh, I forgot. I love you, see you in the morning" Ally called after us. Everyone slowly went to bed, and it was soon morning.

"Sooo who put the mistletoe on Sam and I's door?" I asked everyone, looking directly at Dinah.

"Speaking of mistletoe, let's hear some first kiss stories?" Dinah asked as I sat down on the couch.

"I've never had my first kiss yet" Camila said blankly.

"Aw, Mila! The best comes to those who wait" Normani comforted.

"What do you do? Do you bit their tonsils?" Camila asked innocently.

"OH MY GOSH CAAAAMEEEELA" We all practically screamed.

"What!" She asked embarrassed.

"I love you Chancho, but please for the love of God DO NOT try to bite the person's tonsils" Dinah warned, laughing.

"Watch out Lo, you got a biter" Normani joked.

"Moni!" Ally said, slapping her arm as Lauren glared at Normani.

"Ok, Ok! Since it's Christmas Eve, do we have any plans?" I shouted over everyone's bickering.

"Nope!" Bea answered.

I turned on the TV and sat down, while everyone did their own thing.

"Me encanta cuando tenemos frío día de este tipo, cuando todo el mundo está haciendo lo suyo" (I love when we have chill day's like this, when everyone is just doing their own thing) I said to Ally, Camila and Lauren.

"Estoy de acuerdo , pero ¿sabe usted lo que sería más divertido ? debemos asustar Bea , Sam , Jacob , Dinah y normani a cabo por sólo hablar en español !" (I agree, but do you know what would be more fun? we should freak Bea, Sam, Jacob, Dinah and Normani out by just speaking in spanish!) The three Latino's told me.

"What are they saying? Are they planning on killing us or something?" Sam asked as we glanced at them.

"They do this all the time, but they said Bea's name first!" Normani said.

"STOP, stop please!" Jacob and Bea yelled.

"We weren't planning on killing you! We were trying to freak you guy's out!" I said laughing.

"I'm going to get you!" Sam said, chasing me.

"Liv slow down!" Ally warned right as I fell.

"Oh my god, Walz are you ok?" Dinah asked me.

"Ally before you complain, people are doing worst things then using the Lord's name in vain" Lauren said harshly.

"My arm hurts and I'm dizzy" I answered, my words slurring.

"Ok Liv, let's get you to the ER" Camila said as Sam carried me to the car. As we started driving, I decided to sleep off the pain.

Sam's POV

"Babe! I'm so sorry for what happened, are you feeling ok?" I asked Livi, rushing to the side of her bed as soon as she woke up.

"Yeah" Livi replied.

"Do you remember anything?" I asked her.

"I'm pretty sure I asked for Pink, not Purple" She answered, pointing at my cast. I just laughed while the doctor walked in.

"Ok, Everything looks ok but I want to keep you overnight so I can keep an eye on the baby" The Doctor told us.

"How early can she leave?" I asked The Doctor.

"5:00 am" He answered, smiling as he left.

"See you at five babe" I said, saying goodbye to Livi. I gathered all my stuff and left the hospital.

It was my job to protect her and I fucked up.

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