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Livi's POV

"I love you, babe" Sam said, kissing my temple.

"I'm glad you love me" I said smiling.

"Aren't you going to say 'I love you' back?" Sam asked me.

"Hmmm... nope!" I said, laughing.

"Say it, say it! tell me you love me babe" Sam complained, stretching out the babe.

"Sam, I'm not-" I said, before I got interrupted by the 18 year old sitting at the kitchen table.

"Oh my gosh, mom just say it already. For heaven's sake" Berkley said, rolling her eyes.

"Perk up love, you're graduating today! Eat up" I said, putting her breakfast out in front of her and giving her a side hug.

"I can't believe that we have been married for 19 years, we are 37 years old and have two 18 year olds and a 11 year old. Life is crazy! It seem's like yesterday when we were talking about getting married in our bus bunk" I said.

"Blakelee! Bentley! Breakfast is ready!" Sam called out.

"Coming!" Blakelee responded, running down the stairs. Blakelee and Bentley sat down at the table and started eating.

"Who's all coming to the party? Who's coming to the graduation?" Bentley asked.

"Grandma Leslie, Levi, Bea, Luke, Ally, Troy, Lauren, Macelyn, Camila, Dinah., Normani and their parents and siblings are coming to the party and graduation ceremony. For the party each of you can invite some friends" I answered.

"Blakelee Charlotte, stop bugging your sister" Sam said.

"All three of you go get dressed" I said as they put their plates in the sink.

"What..." I asked, nervously laughing.

"Damn, I love you" Sam answered.

"I love you too, babe" I said, kissing Sam after I put away the dishes. Sam and I ran upstairs to change for the big day. I straightened my hair, did natural makeup, and put on a floral dress with nude heels. For Sam I laid out a pale blue polo, khakis and brown sperry's. Berkley wore a white lace dress and black stiletto's. Bentley decided to wear just a tux and I dressed Blakelee in a seesucker dress and white sandals.

"Mom, how come only dad parents are coming" Berkley complained while I did her hair.

"We've been over this, I don't have any parents. Besides, why would you want to have someone other than Momma Clara, Papa J, Sinu, Mama Drea, etc." I asked. Berkley sighed in response and rolled her eyes. Classic teenager.

Everyone came over at 1:00 PM for pictures.

"Okay the kids in the front!" I said, gathering all the children. We took a lot of photos, but I only posted a few on twitter.

@LiviMarie :
berkley collette & bentley cole & blakelee charlotte
* insert photo *

@LiviMarie :
my twins are graduating!! congrats B&B!
* insert photo *

"Ok, are we ready to go?" I asked the big bunch of people.

"Yeah, we will have to take two cars though" Lauren said.

"That's fine, I don't think we could all fit with the carseat and Camila's pregnant booty" I answered.

"Hey!" Camila said, laughing. We finally decided on all the parents and siblings in one van except for Sam and I, then everyone else in the other van.

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