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Livi's POV

"YO WHOREGUI! CABEHOE! HANSEN! LETS GO!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Does everyone have their tickets to all the places we are going to?" Ally asked us.

"Yes, can we please go now??" Normani asked as we got in the car.

"It's 3 AM and Bea hasn't said anything snappy or cursed yet, BeaBea you feeling ok?" I asked her.

"I've been saved by the grace of southern charm" She said sleepily, holding on to Jacob.
We all aww'ed and continued to drive to the airport. We all went through security together, then had to say goodbye.

"Goodbye BeaBea! Tell Georgia, Esher and Kim hello" I said giving her a hug.

"Bye Allycat and Moni! Have fun in Texas" I said giving them hugs.

"See ya Jacob, y'all have fun in Tennessee!" I giggled, giving him a hug.

"Bye Walz, have fun with your family in San Diego!" I said, squeezing the life out of Dinah. We all sadly parted ways and went to our gates. Sam, Camila, Lauren and I were going to Miami. Sam and I would spend one week at The Cabello's house, then one week at The Jauregui's.

"Ok it's 4 AM and we have about an hour & a half til we start boarding, so goodnight!" Camila said, finding a spot to sleep. Sam and I cuddled in a conjoined, uncomfortable terminal chair, Lauren slept in a terminal chair alone and Camila laid on the floor sleeping, face down.

I woke up first, and decided to get a picture of everyone's weird way of sleeping. Even Big Rob was sleeping!

@LiviMarie :
when it's 5 AM & your in a airport terminal.
#wesleepANYWHERE #evenBigRob
* insert picture *

I woke up everyone else, since we had to board soon.

"Ladies, let's go" Big Rob told us as we entered the airplane. Lauren and Camila sat next to each other while Sam and I sat next to each other.

"Welcome to sunny Miami! We have a high of 96 degrees, have a safe and wonderful day!" The pilot told us as we got off. We got our bags then went to find the two families.

"TE AMO!!" I said giving Sinu, Sofi, Papa Mike, Clara, Taylor and Chris hugs.

"Are you guys ready?" Papa Mike asked us, we were going to The Jauregui's first.

"I'm so excited that your back Mija!" Clara said wrapping her arms around Lauren and I. We got in the car, Mike and Clara up front, Taylor and Lauren in row one and Sam, Chris and I in the last row. We got to the house and unpacked before dinner.

"Are you hungry?" Clara asked me.

"For your Cuban cooking? Of course!" I said lightly patting my stomach. We were having Cuban sandwiches, rice, beans and for dessert, Arroz Con Leche! We all sat down, started eating and made small talk.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Chris asked us.

"I don't know, why?" Clara asked him.

"Because I have to go to school tomorrow from 8:30 AM til 10:00 AM" Chris answered.

"Why do you have to go to school on a Saturday?" Sam asked him.

"Because our bone head of a brother failed his english exam, so now he has to retake it!" Taylor said rolling her eyes.

"CHRIS!" Lauren and I yelled as Chris put his hands up in surrender.

"TAYLOR! Apologize to your brother!" Clara and Mike said, frowning.

"I'm sorry Christopher" Taylor mumbled.

"So, what are you most nervous about having a baby? Or well babies" Clara asked me.

"Not having enough of the small things, like diapers, bottles, binkies, the things people tend to overlook" I answered. After we finished eating, Taylor help Clara with the dishes while Lauren, Sam and I got ready for bed.

"All three of us are going to bed, traveling wore us out!" Lauren said.

"Ok, besides its already 10:30 PM" Papa Mike told us.

"IT IS?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah, time zones are different. It's 10:30 PM here, and it's 6:30 PM in LA" He explained.

"Oh yeah, well goodnight" We all said heading upstairs. Sam and I passed out in the guest room, while Lauren slept in her room.

It was currently 3:30 PM on Monday, Sam and I were at the beach spending our last day with The Jauregui's. Lauren and Sam we're currently looking for seashell's while I judged the handstand contest between Taylor and Chris.

"I win!" Taylor cheered.

"Nuh uh!" Chris said as he pushed Taylor into the water.

"CHRIS!" Taylor yelled.

"You guys its getting late, and the Hurricanes game is going to start soon!" Clara called.

"We're coming!!" We all yelled, racing to the top. Sam and I were going to pack up our stuff, put it in the car, then all The Jauregui's and Cabello's are going to the Miami Hurricanes football game together. Yes, we are going to the game in our swimsuit cover ups! We all got in the car, drove for a while and finally made it to the Stadium!!

"Can we go into the gift shop?" I asked.

"Sure" Everyone responded. We went to the woman's jersey section and Papa Mike went to the baby section. Lauren and I decided to get a Miami Hurricanes jersey, while Sam got a hoodie.

"Let's go find Mike, then we can check out" Clara told us.

"Clara, Darling, look!" Papa Mike said, hold up a bag.

"What did you get, hun?" Clara asked him.

"I got a few Miami Hurricanes onesies for the babies, a few Miami Hurricanes booties and binkies, a few Miami Dolphins onesies and a few Miami Dolphins booties and binkies!" He said proudly.

"Thank you! My children will now proudly represent the 305" I said giving Papa Mike a hug.  We got to our seats, settled in and watched the game.

"Can I lay in your lap?" Sofi asked me.

"Sure lovebug" I answered, picking her up, her head resting on my bump.

The Hurricanes won by 15 points, and we soon got up to leave.

"Sofi is passed out. Can you carry her to the car?" I asked Camila.

"Sure" Camila said softly, picking up Sofi.

"Ok Jauregui's, I'll see you hopefully at the airport and at my baby shower" I said giving each of them a hug.

"Take care, Mija. We love you so much" Clara and Mike said softly, giving me a hug. I got in the car and made my way to The Cabello's.

We got to The Cabello's, took a shower, and finally went to bed.

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