writing music

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Livi's POV
"Wake up" Sam said shaking me.

"Mhmm no" I said rolling on my other side.

"Liv you gotta go in twenty minutes" Sam warned me.

"Shit" I mumbled, forgetting I had a recording session. I quickly threw on some yoga pants, a shirt, shoes and put my hair in a braid.

"Who schedules a recording session then doesn't set an alarm? It's only 11:00 AM" I said picking up my phone. I ran downstairs into the living room to see everyone was awake.

"Good morning guys, Sam are you ready?" I asked him standing by the door.

"Let's get yo pregnant ass to the studio" He said as I playfully slapped him.

We finally got to the studio where I was meeting Mr. Tom Matthews.

"Hi Livi, my name is Tom Matthews. Do you know what you want to cover? Today we are only going to do the commentary for three songs" He asked as I went up to the microphone.

"Yes, My first one for today is Piece by Piece by Kelly Clarkson" I told him as he turned on the microphone.

"Ok, go ahead and start talking in the microphone" He instructed.

"The reason why I chose "Piece by Piece" by Kelly Clarkson is because Kelly is my soul sister y'all, I really relate to it. When I was little my dad left me, and when I was around 17 or 18 my mom just gave up overtime and left. I had no friends or family to turn to until I was blessed with Sam, Sam showed me what a real man was and I have no doubt whatsoever that he will not show me what a really father is to our babies" I said into the mic.

"Perfect! That was excellent, whenever you are ready do the next one, do it just like that" Tom said as Sam hugged me.

"I chose "7 Years" by Lucas Graham because he really portrays growing old and hitting milestones very well. It has very meaningful lyrics, yet is still very catchy. It makes me cry every time I hear it" I said into the mic. He signaled to me to do the next so I got ready.

"I chose "Trouble" by NeverShoutNever because if you did not know, my husband Sam is a YouTuber and that was one of his last music videos. It was also one of my first video's I watched of him, when he found out about that he started to always sing that to me, still does. It was the video where I fell in love and made me say "yes" when he asked me out on our first date" I said, laughing, into the microphone.

"Very good, I'll see you next time Simon schedules you in! Have a nice day" Tom said as we left.

"Babe, I'm going to call Sinu if she wants to do any Maternity clothes shopping with me, you can just walk around" I said pulling out my phone.

"Hey Camz, do you and Sinu want to go to the maternity clothing store while Sam walks around? It's on 174th Street. Ask Lo if she wants to come too" I asked Camila.

"Yeah, we'll meet you there! Lolo & Sofi are coming too" She said as I said goodbye and hung up. We finally parked and spotted Lauren, Sofi, Sinu and Camila.

"Ok, I'm going in to Best Buy, have fun, I love you" He said kissing me.

"Bye babe, I love you too" I said as we parted paths.

"Hey guys! I can't thank you enough, are you ready to shop for this big ole belly?" I asked patting my stomach.

"Mija you're not that big, I was as big as a pufferfish with Camila!" Sinu said laughing.

"Mami! Stop it!" Camila said swatting her mother playfully, clearly embarrassed.
We all just laughed as we walked in the store.

"Okay let's do shirts and pants first, then we can look at the nursing bra's" Sinu said guiding us to the clothing section.

"I'm open to trying on anything, I need pretty much from a size 15 weeks to a 35 weeks" I said looking through the racks. The girls put me in dressing room and ordered me to try on the ones that they picked, or at least the ones that were 15-20 weeks.

"Which ones are you keeping?" Lauren asked me.

"I liked these" I said throwing them into the cart.

"Ok, ready for nursing bra's?" Sinu asked me as we walked.

"Yep" I said picking up Sofi.

"Aren't they pretty? Which one do you like Sof?" I asked her as she pointed to a red, lacey one. I just laughed and nodded my head. Sinu picked out three bra's, then we checked out.

"Hey Camz will you call Shawn and the other's at home to meet us at the Mexican place down the street? If they argue about Mexican, tell them the baby want's what it want's" I said as we got in the car.

After we called Shawn and everyone at the house, we finally got to meet up at The Mexican place for dinner. We were looking at the menu, most of us knew what we wanted.

"Shawn what are you getting?" Camila asked him.

"I think I'm going to get this thing" He said pointing at an item on his menu.

"An enchilada?" Dinah asked him, peering over his shoulder and trying not to laugh.

"What's that?" He asked, confused.

"YOU NEVER HAD AN ENCHILADA?" We all screamed at him, earning dirty looks from waitresses. I pull out my phone to snapchat this.

"Shawn just figured out what an enchilada is, and he's never had one! What do you have to say for yourself!" I asked him.

"I'm from Canada!" He said, while I filmed and put it on my story on snapchat. We all finally decided what we wanted, ordered and ate. After we payed the tab, we decided to go home.

"WE ARE FINALLY HOME!!" Sofi screamed, flailing her little body on the couch.

"This pregnant body feel's the same way, little one" I said laughing.

"I'm going to go to bed, goodnight guys! I love you, see you tomorrow morning" I said as Sam and I headed upstairs, before a little girl stopped us.

"Can I sleep with you and Sammer's tonight LivLiv? Please!" She begged me.

"I don't see why not love bug, let's go!" Sam said picking her up. We laid her in between us, played on snapchat, told some stories and finally drifted off to sleep.

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