shaker's and mover's

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Livi's POV

"Can everyone meet me in the living room?" Lauren asked through the house speaker. Clara, Sinu, Chris, Taylor and Sofi left a few weeks ago, the twin's are now 6 months old!

"What's wrong Lo? Where is Camila?" I asked while holding Bentley.

"I'm just wanted you guys to know something, I'm sure you've seen in it in the media. Camila is at the grocery store" She answered as we all sat down in the living room.

"Hi, I'm Lauren. Just Lauren Michelle Jauregui" She said.

"So.. are you gay? Bi?" Normani asked confused.

"No, I'm just Lauren. I'm not going to put a label on myself, I'm going to love without limit's. By the way, I don't like any of you in this room like that" Lauren explained.

"What? Have you seen me?" I joked, gesturing to my face and body.

"Yeah, and you have a husband" Lauren joked back. We just relaxed bit the time being, then spit off to do our own thing. I carried Berkley and Bentley into the kitchen to put them in their high chairs. I puréed some strawberry's and carrot's for the lunch for the twin's.

"Mhmm do you like it Berkley?" I asked the small girl as I fed her. I fed the twins, quickly cleaned up and went upstairs to put them down for a nap.

"What time does Sam get home from work?" Dinah asked, taking a crying Bentley from me.

"5:00 PM" I said as I trudged upstairs. Sam works at YouTube LA space. "

"Benny, what is all this crying for?" Dinah asked Bentley.

"I think someone is tired, and it's not just mommy" I teased, laying Berkley into her crib.

"Goodnight you two" I said softly, Dinah following me. I quietly shut the door as Dinah went to find Normani downstairs. I was about to go downstairs when I heard random gangster music. It couldn't be Normani or Dinah because they're downstairs. I followed the sound until I was in front of Camila's room. I peered in, and saw her trying to dance or maybe twerk. I cleared my throat to get her attention.

"Nice dance moves Mila, could you maybe turn it down a little bit? The twins are trying to take a nap" I asked her.

"Yeah, sure no problem" Camila said with flushed cheeks.

"And you have no reason to be embarrassed, you really know how to pop that booty" I said, laughing as I went downstairs.

"You need to go on at date with Sam. Standard procedure" Normani told me as soon as I walked into the living room.

"Standard procedure my ass" I said sitting down.

"C'mon! When's the last time you and Sam went on a date? We'll watch the twin's!" Normani bargained.

"Ok, Sam and I will go on a date" I answered, laughing.

"Will you girls help me make orange juice?" Ally asked us from the kitchen.

"Sure!" I said, walking into the kitchen.

"Can I squeeze the oranges?" Dinah asked.

"Sure, just make sure it doesn't squirt everywhere" Ally warned.

"That's what she said" Normani said as Ally's face turned red.

"Moni!" Ally said as Dinah started to crack up laughing.

"I'm going to call Sam" I said walking upstairs.
I walked up the stairs, checked on the twins and went into Sam and I's room. I picked up my phone off the charger and dialed Sam's number.

"Hey babe!" I said once Sam answered.

"Hey, what's up" Sam said.

"We're going on a date tonight! The girls are watching the twins" I said excitedly.

"Sounds like a plan, be dressed by 5" Sam said before he hung up. I was about to go in Lauren's room to see what she was doing when I heard the twins crying.

"Are we up from our nap already?" I asked the two infants in front of me, in their cribs. I picked up both of the twins and made my way towards Lauren's room.

"Hey Laurie Laur, can you be an awesome godmother and watch the twins while I get ready?" I asked, walking into Lauren's room.

"Laurie Laur?" Lauren said, cringing.

"Just trying out a new nickname!" I said, laughing.

"I like my nickname's Laur and Lolo better, yes I'll watch them. C'mere munchkin's" Lauren answered, taking the twins from me.

"Thank you!" I said I ran to my bathroom for some much needed alone time. I jumped into the shower to wash my hair, face, body and shaved. Once I got out of the shower I blow dried my hair then straightened it. I put on my makeup and finally got dressed. I decided on Camila's high waisted white jeans that she let me borrow, a navy blouse and strappy tan heels. I looked at the clock and saw it was 4:50 PM, I had ten minutes to say goodbye to my babies and get out the door. I made my way to Lauren's room before going downstairs to leave.

"Hey babies, mama's gotta leave ok? I love you so much, don't every forget that" I said leaving lipstick kisses on Berkley and Bentley's foreheads.

"Do I get one?" Lauren jokingly asked. I quickly kissed Lauren's temple before I went downstairs. I said goodbye to the girls and got into Sam's work car.

"Hey Babe, I missed you" Sam said as I slid into the passenger seat.

"My favorite color on my favorite girl" Sam said, checking me out.

"I missed you too and thanks babe" I said giving him a quick kiss after buckling up. Sam started driving to the restaurant and the radio hummed softly in the background.

"Hey it's our song!" Sam said excitedly as Foreign by Trey Songz played.

"This is our song?" I said, laughing as Sam turned it up.

"Her ass so fat I measure that I tote a ruler" Sam sang along, pointing at me.

"Thanks babe, I'm glad you appreciate my ass" I said, trying not to laugh as Sam pulled up to the restaurant.

"Ugh, there's pap's" I complained, getting out of the car.

"I already have reservations, so let's just walk in and ignore them" Sam said as we walked.

"Hey Livi! Looks like Sam loves you" the paparazzi taunted.

"You look an idiot right now. I would hope he loves me, I'm his damn wife" I said, slamming the restaurant door shut. After that I calmed down and had an amazing meal with Sam. We got home, put the babies to bed, thanked the girls and started to get ready for bed. I brushed my teeth, took my makeup off, changed into my pajamas, got under the covers and waited for Sam.

"You know, that's one of the reasons I love you" Sam said, getting into bed.

"What?" I asked, looking confused.

"When you were yelling at the paps about me" Sam said, trying to jog my memory.

"Oh, what about it?" I asked him.

"I love that you are feisty and that you protect who you love like the girls, Jacob, Bea, Bentley, Berkley, the girl's families and I fiercely" Sam explained.

"I love you, and thanks babe" I said, giving him a hug before laying down.

"You're such a dork" Sam said turning off the light.

"But I'm your dork"

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