happy birthday

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Livi pov
We were in Orlando, Florida for tonight's show and Bea's party.

"Ughhh" I sighed stretching out the "h".

"What's up?" Dinah, Bea and Ally asked me, the other's were at the venue.

"My stomach hurts so badly!" I cried as I felt abdominal pain.

"Ooh Livi is pregnant!" Dinah teased as fear ran across my mind.

"Stop, stop. I'm sure Livi would know if she was pregnant, and I'm sure she hasn't missed anything" Ally said, shushing Dinah.

"She did say that she wanted a baby at the end of tour, and the last show is tommrow" Bea said as I rolled my eyes.

"Right now with tour, my life is like Vegas. Go big or go home, get faded" I said with a small laugh.

"Livi would tell us if God blessed her with a baby, stop teasing the poor girl" Ally said patting my knee.

"I'm sure it's nothing" I said as I was secretly panicking. The door opened and in came Jacob, Sam, Normani, Lauren and Camila.

"Show starts in thirty minutes, we gotta go to GLAMS" Jacob told us as we all got int the golf cart. I got on and sat next to Sam as he turned to look at me.

"What's wrong babygirl?" Sam whispered in my ear.

"Nothing" I said as I laid my head on his shoulder, Sam putting his hand on my thigh as I worried about a baby.

We got off the golf cart and walked into glams. I was wearing a long purple maxi dress with eyeliner, mascara & bubblegum pink lipgloss.

"Broklynn I seriously don't feel good" I said sitting down next to her. Jacob and Sam were in catering with Ally getting us food.

"Aw baby" Lauren cooed as she sat down on the other side of me.

"Loloooo" I whined into Lauren's side as she wrapped her arm around me.

"I've never seen you like this, what's up? Is it your stomach just cramping? Is it your time of the month?" Broklynn questioned as I blushed.

"No, I'm not on it. It just really hurts, but not crampy" I said as sat back up.

"Ok, it not just a woman thing that you can get over with medication?" Broklynn asked as the girls just laughed.

"It really does hurt! If you were in my shoes you wouldn't be laughing" I said as I jokingly glared at the girls.

"Okay, well what do we need to do? Do we need to call off the meet & greet? Call off your portion of the show? Not go to bea's party as well?" Broklynn asked me.

"I really don't want to call off the Meet and greet though" I sighed.

"Look at it this way Liv. Would you rather disappoint 300 fans or 4,567 fans?" Lauren asked me.

"300, it's less people" I said as I got her point.

"The people who get their money back will still get to see you preform" Normani butted in.

"Let's cancel the M&G, I'll tell Twitter" I said pulling out my phone.

"Okay, I'll cancel then call Sam to get you something light to eat and to stay back with you" she said as I laid down onto Lauren. I went onto Twitter while waiting for Sam.

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