musical bed's

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Livi's POV
Jacob left for tour a few days ago and the twins were still getting used to their new bed's.

I was sleeping when I heard both Sam and I's phones go off.

lolo : livvvv
dinah : she came in my bed too
bea : me three
ally : moni is probably dead asleep
ally : she's in my bed currently

I was going to text back when I heard a door open and close.

ally : never mind.
camila : we got her, liv
liv : thanks camz, we'll discuss berks game of musical bed's in the morning.

I woke up, said goodbye to Sam, got Bentley and started to look for Berkley. I found Berkley playing on Camila's phone while Lauren and Camila made breakfast.

"Did you sleep with Aunt Lolo and Aunt Camz last night?" I asked Berkley, while setting down Bentley.

"Yeah Mama, it was fun! I love Aunt Wow-wen!" Berkley answered for me, mispronouncing 'Lauren'.

"Berkley Colette, you know that you have to stay in your bed and sleep. Why do you keep leaving your bed?" I asked.

"I get lonely. I'm sowwey mama" Berkley answered.

"It's ok, but you need to learn how to sleep on your own. What if you can nap and sleep with one person a week? Starting today, you can choose one person to take your nap with and one person to go to bed with" I bargained.

"Ok mama" Berkley answered, going back to Lauren's phone.

"Who want's to go to the park?" I asked, after the twins ate breakfast.

"Me! Me! Me!" Berkley and Bentley practically screamed.

"Ok let's go" I said, shuffling them towards the front door.

"Bye Lo and Camz!" I hollered out.

"You're going in your PJ's?" Camila asked.

"Yeah, ten times more fun" I answered, before being pulled out the door by the twins.

We got to the park, we played a bit, looked at the flowers and then it was time to go home.

"C'mon Berkley" I said, ushering the child.

"Goooooooodnight flower's. See you soon" Berkley hummed, before walking by my side.
We walked home and was greeted by Dinah with donuts.

"MY FLAVIOR!!" Berkley shouted, grabbing a donut from Dinah and mispronouncing 'savior'.

"Where did you learn that from? Aunt Ally?" I asked, laughing.

"Aunt Allyson" Berkley corrected as Bentley got a donut.

"Bentley, and you too Berkley, if you guys have a donut you can't have ice cream tonight, ok?" I asked them.

"Ok mama" Bentley answered, chomping into his donut.

"What do you guys want to do today?" Lauren asked us, walking into the kitchen.

"Let's go to the pool, it will make the twins tired" Bea offered.

"Good thinking Beatree" I answered.

"Yay! Pool!" The twins yelled, running upstairs.

"Thank god the pool is literally in our backyard" I commented, before going upstairs to change. I put Berkley in a red vintage bikini, Bentley in blue swim trunks and I wore a black bikini. The twins and I met the girls downstairs.

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