first day of school

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Livi's POV

It's my babies first day of kindergarten!! Bentley and Berkley are now 5, and will be attending private school.

"Good morning mama! Happy Monday!" Bentley and Berkley cheered, as I walked down the stairs.

"Good morning! Who is in the kitchen?" I asked them.

"Mama Lolo and Aunt Camz" Bentley answered.

"Will you go wake up everyone for breakfast?" I asked the twins as they raced up the stairs.

"Camz what is Lauren doing?" I asked.

"Making me coffee" Camila answered.

"Oh, so she has to put the cream in your coffee" I said, Lauren and I laughing.

"What does that mean? Lauren do you know what it means? I feel like your tricking me" Camila answered.

"You'll find out soon, when everyone else is busy" Lauren answered.

"LAUREN MICHELLE!" I said, stunned.

"I cannot believe my babies are going to school. It feels like yesterday when they were 2" I commented as Dinah sat down at the dining table. Everyone sat down and started eating.

"So how is Camren doing, Ralph?" Dinah asked, referring to Lauren and Camila. Lauren kicked the Polynesian under the table which caused the girl to reel backwards and fall onto the ground.

"Laur! Was that needed?" I asked her, giving her a look.

"Sorry Dinah" Lauren muttered under her breath.

"Mama, is it time to go yet?" Berkley asked me.

"Not yet, I need to make your lunches" I answered.

"Mama will you do my hair?" Bentley asked me.

"Me too Mommy!" Berkley chimed in.

"Only for you, loves" I answered as I walked upstairs.

"Lo and Mila, will you make the lunches? Thanks!" I called downstairs.

"Ok Benny, stay still" I commanded, running hair gel through his hair. I spiked his hair up then moved onto Berkley. I put Berkley's hair into two braids.

"What bow do you want, Berks?" I asked her, showing her the choices.

"White mama" Berkley answered me. I helped the twins get dressed into their uniforms, I got dressed, then went downstairs to take pictures.

"We need these to be as good as they get because we are doing the name reveal!" I said, grabbing the camera. We took a bunch of shot's  and I finally decided on a picture that everyone was in and was making a funny face. I quickly pulled out my phone and went into the Twitter.

@LiviMarie :
Today this crazy family sent Berkley and Bentley off to kindergarten. I love my two babies so much. ❤️
* insert picture *

"Let's give hugs and kisses, we gotta go soon" I said. Berkley and Bentley gave everyone hugs and kisses then got into the car.

"Mama will you play that Daya song?" Berkley asked me.

"Sure!" I said, turning it on.

You got that lemonade
But, baby, I ain't buying
Need something hotter to melt the ice
Get you some Gatorade because your mouth is drying
From drooling over me day and night

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