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Livi's POV

"Wow" I sighed, as Sam sat across from me with a positive pregnancy test in the middle of us. Questions swirled around in my head while Sam patted his crotch and congratulated it.

"How did this even happen?" I asked out loud.

"After two kids I thought you would know by now. Well what happens is you begging me-" Sam answered before I cut him off.

"Very funny Samuel. I'm not mad, just shocked. We're not exactly in the best spot in our relationship for a baby. How are we going to tell everyone?" I asked.

"I still love you, isn't that we all we need?C'mon, we can do it now" Sam answered, helping me up.

"Let me get dressed" I said. I threw on white skinny jeans that I stole from Camila, according to Sam they make my ass look good. I put on a 1997 shirt then went to the twins room.

We just got back from the reunion tour a month ago and the twins are now 6. Luckily the twins were in their rooms so we could tell them.

"You guys, Mommy and Daddy have something we want to tell you, then you will go downstairs and tell the girls, ok?" I asked.

"Yeah Mom" Bentley answered.

"Mommy is pregnant! Mommy is going to have a baby, you'll have a sibling!" I said excitedly.

"YAY!! Thank you Mommy and Daddy!" The twins said, giving both of us hugs.

"You're welcome" I said, laughing.

"Girls, Berks and Benny have something to tell you in the living room" Sam said into the house speaker. The twins ran down to living room, with Sam and I behind them.

"So, what's the news?" Dinah asked as soon as everyone was on the couch.

"MOMMY IS PREGNANT! WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A SIBLING!!" Berkley and Bentley screamed.

"Congrats, Mija!" Lauren said, jumping up from the couch and giving me a hug.

"So that's why things were getting loud at night recently.. good job Sam" Dinah said, laughing.

"I'm going to make lunch, you guys can wait at the table" I said as everyone sat at the table.

"Aye mama you got a nice ass" Sam commented as he was getting a drink.

"Tonight your ass is mine" I said, giggling while cooking.

"Language you two!" Ally scolded.

"Hey, just claiming what's mine!" I said, setting down the food at the table.

"And that's how you get knocked up" Dinah said.

"Drop it" Ally said, before I could even react.
Everyone started to eat and make conversation.

"By the way babe, Levi is coming by later" Sam said.

"Ok, I can't believe he's 9!" I answered.

"When are you going to tell Twitter?" Camila asked me.

"Good question, right now" I answered, whipping out my phone.

"Sam, can you grab me a prego spaghetti sauce jar?" I asked. Sam understood the idea and grabbed the jar.

"Benny and Berks, can you guys sit on mom & dad's lap and hold the sign and the jar?" I asked as they got on our lap's. Berkley held the "Mommy is..." sign and Bentley held the prego jar. Normani took the picture and I quickly put it online.

@LiviMarie :
what's one more? #dueAugust2017

"I retweeted it!" Lauren, Sam, Camila, Ally, Bea, Normani and Dinah said.

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