new houses

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Livi's POV :
"Berkley Colette! Slow down and walk! Knock first!" I yelled.

"Hi Berkley! How are you, sweet girl?" Lauren asked as she opened the door.

"Good Aunt Lolo" Berkley answered, laughing.

"C'mere crazy boy!" Camila said, picking up Bentley and hanging him upside down.

"How are you two?" I asked Lauren and Camila.

"Good!" They answered, opening up the door wider so I could come in.

After Camila and Lauren got married, I had my baby a week later. I had a healthy baby girl, and named her Blakelee Charlotte. A year later, Sam, the Twins and I decided to move out into our own house. Then Lauren and Camila decided to move into their own house. Since there was only four people left , Dinah and Normani moved into a house together, Ally and her husband moved into a house together then Bea and husband Luke moved into a house together. The twins are now 9 and Blakelee is two!

"How is Mrs. Hemmings? How are Bea and Luke doing?" Lauren answered, picking up Blakelee.

"They are doing good! Lo, how is being pregnant?" I asked.

"It's ok, morning sickness is the worst!" Lauren complained.

"Aww, I hope you feel better" I said sincerely.

"Aunt Mila, can I dress you up?" Berkley asked.

"Me too!" Blakelee agreed.

"No, Blakelee, I called it" Berkley argued.

"How about you dress Camz Berks, then Blakelee you can judge the outfit" I said as Mila and Berkley disappeared to their bedroom. After awhile Camila finally came out and asked Blakelee what she thought.

"What do you think, B?" Camila asked the little girl.

"You look pwetty Aunt Mila! Your butt looks bigger! Momma, when I get old, will I have a butt as big as Aunt Mila's?" Blakelee asked, checking her butt out in the mirror while Camila hid her face in her hands, clearly embarrassed.

We spent an hour catching up then I realized it was time to go.

"I hate to leave, but we have to go now. Both of you, text me! And Lo, don't be afraid to ask questions or for advice on babies, pregnancy, delivery etc." I said giving both of them a hug after I got the twins in the car.

"Goodbye, and yes, we will text you! Drive safe!" They both said as they went back inside.

"Mama, can you play Beatree's song?" Bentley asked.

"Sure bubs" I answered, turning on the radio.

Could tell you what you wanna hear
Cause the truth is always in the way
I never wanna live in fear
I don't wanna hold back all the things I need to say
Say, say

I got you figured out, you need to have control
You think that I don't know you, I know you, I know
Trying to tell you now, I've been doing what you want
But I won't be your yes girl, no, not anymore
Just let me go, just let me go
Won't be your yes girl, no, not anymore
Just let me go, just let me go
Won't be your yes girl, no, not anymore

You used to always let me in
Do you even know you changed?
And now you're my favorite sin, oh
Cause I'm either on your side or you're a mile away

I got you figured out, you need to have control
You think that I don't know you, I know you, I know
Trying to tell you now, I've been doing what you want
But I won't be your yes girl, no, not anymore
Just let me go, just let me go
Won't be your yes girl, no, not anymore
Just let me go, just let me go
Won't be your yes girl, no, not anymore

family (book three of the BFTP series)Where stories live. Discover now