two babies

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"Good morning! I'm so sad you guys have to leave tonight" I said giving Sinu a hug.

"Are you excited to find out the gender's?" Sinu asked me.

"Yeah! I'm-" I answered before I got interrupted by Sam.

"ANYONE WANT DONUTS? I'm finding out my kid's genders today, hip hip hurray!!" Sam yelled, hold out the box of donuts.

"I guess someone is a little bit excited?" I asked Sam as he nodded. I grabbed a donut and Camila ran into the kitchen.

"IT IS CHANCHO AND CHEECHEE DAY! CHANCHO AND CHEECHEE DAY!" Camila said screaming through the room.

"Camila and I are going to go spend some time together after we drop Sinu & Sofi off while you're at your doctor's appointment with Sam and Lauren. She is clearly excited" Dinah explained, laughing.

"What are you doing Moni?" I asked her, shoving my donut in my mouth.

"Ally and I are going to Waffle House then hunting down the new Justin Timberlake album" She said as Bea walked in braiding her hair.

"Where are you going?" I asked, pointing at her braid.

"Jacob and I are going on a date to the Zoo" she said as Jacob walked in. After everyone was downstairs and ready we said goodbye to the Cabello's and Lauren, Sam and I were off!

"Mrs. Pottorff?" The Nurse called out. We stood up and walked over to her.

"Right this way, the doctor should be here shortly" The nurse said as we walked into the room. I played on my phone until the doctor walked in.

"Hello, so we are doing the gender today correct?" He asked me.

"Yes we are very excited!" I said grabbing Sam and Lauren's hands.

"Ok, Baby A is a.... girl!" The doctor said as he zoomed on the fetus.

"IM HAVING A GIRL!! Imagine all the bow's and outfits!! She is going to so cute and wrapped around your finger!" I said starting to cry.

"A daddy's girl" Sam said, smiling.

"I'm so happy for you and we haven't even found out about Baby B!" Lauren said giving me a hug while still holding my hand.

"Baby B is a.... boy!" The doctor told us as Sam jumped up with excitement.

"I think you made my husband's dream come true with four words" I said to the doctor as we left. After we left the doctor's office we went to the bakery to get gender reveal cupcakes. We walked into the house to come to a surprise that everyone was already home. We decided to swing by and get Levi on the home from the bakery so he was involved with babies.

"OKAY EVERYONE COME TO THE DINNING ROOM!" I yelled through out the house speaker system. One by one they all piled in and sat down.

"Ok we will give you two cupcakes, one has the gender of Baby A and the other has the gender of Baby B. Bite into to see" Sam said as I passed out cupcakes.

"IT'S A GIRL!!" Everyone but Jacob screamed.

"Nuh uh! It's a boy! See!" He said showing us his cupcake.

"Jacob, you bit into the wrong cupcake dude" I said trying not to laugh.

"Well I guess we know both genders, a boy and a girl!" Jacob said laughing.

"Just imagine all the sleepless nights" Bea said to me.

"I know, I'm going to sing Mockingbird by Eminem as the lullaby" I said making everyone laugh.

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