waddling around

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Livi's POV

The twins were now 9 months and have started to walk & babble a bit.

I was sleeping peacefully until I felt Sam moving around in the bed.

"Good morning love" Sam said, once he realized I was awake.

"Good morning" I said sitting up.

"I have to go to work now, have fun with the babies" Sam said sadly. I walked over to give him a kiss and a hug goodbye before he left.
I wrapped my arm's around him torso and buried my head into his chest.

"Mhm sorry work hasn't been the best lately" I apologized.

"Not your fault babe" Sam comforted.

"I love you Samuel" I replied.

"I love you Olivia, you're a dork" Sam said with a little laugh.

"But I'm you're dork" I said.
I kissed him while I felt the wonderful feeling of his cold lip ring against my lip and his arms snaking around my torso. Sam quietly left the house before waking anyone else up. I decided to go back to bed before one of the girls or the twins woke me up.

I was feeding the twins lunch when I saw Sam calling me.

"BEA! CAN YOU WATCH THE TWINS FOR A SECOND?" I yelled up the stairs.

"COMING" I heard Bea yell.

"Thanks" I responded once she was downstairs, answering my phone.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?" I asked Sam.

"Nothing, my boss gave me the afternoon off. Is everyone else home?" Sam asked.

"That's amazing! Yeah, we aren't doing anything" I answered.

"Ok, see you soon love" Sam said before hanging up.

"What was that about?" Bea asked me.

"Sam is coming home early, he'll be here in about five minutes" I answered.

"Cool, I'm going back to my room" Bea said, walking upstairs. While I waited for decided to clean up the kitchen. I was putting the last dish in the dishwasher when I heard the garage door open.

"I'm home!" Sam announced.

"Hi babe" I said giving him a quick kiss.

Sam went over to the house speaker while holding Bentley, while I held Berkley.

"Can everyone come to the living room? Jacob bring your guitar please" Sam said into the house speaker.

"What's going on" I asked as Sam went over and whispered something in Jacob's ear.
Jacob nodded then smiled. Soon everyone settled down on the couch so we could hear Sam's announcement. Jacob started strumming a note, then all the sudden Sam started to sing.

Remember the day we were giving up
When you told me I didn't give you enough
And all of your friends were saying I'd be leaving you
She's lying in bed with my t-shirt on
Just thinking how I went about it wrong
This isn't the stain of a red wine, I'm bleeding love

Please believe me, don't you see
The things you mean to me?
Oh I love you, I love you
I love, I love, I love Olivia

I live for you, I long for you, Olivia
I've been idolizing the light in your eyes, Olivia
I live for you, I long for you, Olivia
Don't let me go
Don't let me go

Say what you're feeling and say it now
'Cause I got the feeling you're walking out
And time is irrelevant when I've not been seeing you
The consequences of falling out
Are something I'm having nightmares about
And these are the reasons I'm crying out to be with you

Please believe me, don't you see
The things you mean to me?
Oh I love you, I love you
I love, I love, I love Olivia

I live for you, I long for you, Olivia
I've been idolizing the light in your eyes, Olivia
I live for you, I long for you, Olivia
Don't let me go
Don't let me go

When you go and I'm alone
You live in my imagination
The summertime and butterflies
All belong to your creation
I love you, that's all I do
I love you

I live for you, I long for you, Olivia
I've been idolizing the light in your eyes, Olivia
I live for you, I long for you, Olivia
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go

Once he was finished, I jumped up and gave him a hug.

"Thanks for serenading me in front of everyone, I love you Samuel" I said giving him a quick kiss.

"Look! Berkley is crawling!" Dinah said, pointing to Berkley.

"Good job baby girl! Try again! Mama is so proud of you!" I cood, while encouraging her.

"Benny, can you do it?" Sam asked as Bentley got himself to stand up on his own. Bentley put one foot in front of the other and started to walk. More like a waddle.

"Good job Benny! Mama and Daddy are so proud of you! Berks do you want to try again?" I asked her. We got the twins walking on camera.

"Ally what's for dinner?" Camila asked.

"I cooked last night! You figure it out" Ally answered.

"But you're the mom of the group! You always cook and it's always yummy!" Camila argued.

"Well technically Liv is the only mom in the group" Normani pointed out.

"I'm not cooking, but I will order pizza" I said.

"Yay! Pizza!" Camila cheered.

"Look Mila, Berkley is giggling at you!" Bea pointed out.

"Berkley Colette, it is not nice to laugh" Camila said sternly to the young child.

"C'mon Camz, give her a break. It was pretty funny. Let's go order pizza, yeah?" Lauren asked her, getting up.

"Ok" Camila said, ordering online.
After waiting for a good 20 minutes the pizza finally came.

"DINNER IS READY" I heard Dinah yell from the kitchen.

"Coming" I heard from various people around the house.

We all ate, then Sam and I gave the twins a bath. We quickly put the twins to sleep then Sam and I finally went to bed.

AN : there's going to be a bit of a time jump in the next chapter. I hope you're enjoying the story!!

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