happy birthday lo

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* this is a short, fluffy bonus chapter *

"Good morning" I said sitting down in the living room, next to Sofi.

"Good Morning" Everyone in the room replied sleepily. We all watched TV until the birthday girl woke up.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOLO!" I yelled, giving her a big hug.

"Thank's Liv" Lauren said, laughing.

"What do you want for breakfast Mija?" Clara asked Lauren.

"Birthday cake waffles" Lauren answered.
Sinu, Clara, Taylor and Sofi went in the kitchen to make breakfast.

"So Lo, you luckily have the day off for you're birthday, what are you going to do?" I asked her.

"I'm gonna fuck shit up" Lauren answered bluntly.

"LAUREN!" Everyone in the living room yelled, laughing.

"Where's your party?" Bea asked her.

"We rented out a club about 20 minutes away" Lauren answered.

"BREAKFAST IS READY" Sofi yelled. We all sat down at the table and started to sing.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Lauren
Happy birthday to you

"Aw, thank you guys. I love you" Lauren said, digging into her waffles.


We had about an hour and a half until Lauren's birthday party, so everyone stared getting ready. I decided to get ready with Bea, Lauren and Camila.

"What are you wearing Liv?" Bea asked me.

"I'm wearing a blue latex dress with a long v neck and it cuts off at the knee" I answered.

"You're going to look so hot" Camila and Lauren commented.

"Thanks, Lauren what are you wearing?" I asked.

"A black leather pencil skirt with a black, leather, spaghetti strap crop top" Lauren answered. We all did our hair and makeup. Bea curled her hair, Lauren straightened her hair, Camila left her's natural and I curled my hair.
For makeup, Bea did a smokey eye with a nude lip, Lauren did her signature dark eye and dark lip, Camila did a nude eye and a bold lip & I did a smokey eye with bold lip. Bea helped me get into my dress and put on my shoes.

"Damn you look hot" Lauren complemented.

"Thanks Lolo" I said as we walked downstairs to the boys.

"My favorite color on my favorite girl" Sam said to me, smiling.

"Thanks babe" I said, kissing Sam's cheek.

"Limousine is here" Chris told us.

"Yay!" Normani cheered. We all got in the limousine and made our way to the club.
As we entered the club I automatically heard Trey Songz smooth voice.

"Let's dance!" I said, dragging Sam to the dance floor.

She only been here for two weeks
Came with the girls and they tryna leave with me she workin' hard like she tryna get a visa
The way she twerk it I just might pull out my visa

"Damn Liv!" Dinah commented as I danced with Sam. I just laughed and continued to dance.

"After we leave girl, you know where you going" Sam sang along while I laughed.

"It's cake time, Laur told me to get you" Ally said. Sam and I met Lauren at the cake table.

"Everyone ready to sing?" Camila asked as I started to film.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Lauren
Happy birthday to you!

"Hey!" Lauren whined as Dinah shoved cake in her face.

@LiviMarie :
happy 20th birthday to my lolo ❤️❤️
* insert video *

I put my phone away and continued to party the night away

AN : HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY ONE AND ONLY LOLO!! I love you so much, thank you for showing me how to believe in myself and to stand up for what I believe in. Much love 💕💕

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