happy birthday princess

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decided to do an extra chapter (:

Livi's POV

"Happy birthday! I thought you left yesterday?" I asked Sofi, who was dancing in the kitchen.

"Mom let her stay with me since it was her birthday" Camila answered for her.

"Oh, well I'm so glad we get to celebrate with you princess!" I said tickling Sofi.

"How's Levi?" Camila asked me, while I started to make breakfast.

"Last night he threw up twice, he didn't have a fever but I gave him pain reliever anyways. I'm praying it was just a 24 hour bug" I said getting out the pancake mix.

"It's almost 8:30 am, I'm going to go check on him" I said leaving the kitchen.

"Hey bud, how ya feeling?" I asked, walking into the guest room.

"I feel better, I'm tired" he said looking at me.

"I bet, you stayed up late last night! Go back to sleep baby, ok? I have a surprise for you when you wake up" I told him as I tucked him back in.

I walked downstairs to find Lauren and Normani awake.

"So birthday girl, which flavor of pancakes do you want? I can make blueberry, funfetti cake, chocolate chip, pumpkin or banana!" I asked her.

"Kaki do you want banana?" Sofi asked Camila.

"Aw, but you get to chose birthday girl!" Camila said giving Sofi a kiss on the cheek.

"Ok, I choose funfetti!" Sofi said, pointing.
I grabbed the mix and started adding in sprinkles.

"Good morning! Happy birthday princess" Jacob said, walking into the kitchen.

"SOFI I MISSED YOU!! Livliv hold me!" Levi said walking slowly into the kitchen.

"Sofi stayed for her birthday today, I wanted to surprise you. Also, I can't baby, can Jacko hold you? He's very cuddly, just ask Bea!" I said winking.

"Savage!" Lauren said laughing.

"C'mere little man" Jacob said picking up Levi and putting him in his lap.

"Happy birthday Sofi!" Levi said, cuddling into Jacob.

"Look at my babies" I said looking at the five filled bar stools.

"Hey Levi, we're going to have funfetti pancakes, ok?" I told him softly. Levi just nodded as continued to make the pancakes.

"Hey baby" I heard Jacob say. I turned around to see Bea up.

"Good morning Beatree, I'm making funfetti pancakes since its Sofi's birthday today" I told Bea.

"Happy Birthday princess!" Bea said kissing Sofi's cheek.

"Oh, sorry about Levi being on Jacob's lap. He was cranky this morning from last night" I said shooting her a small smile.

"That's fine! Are you feeling better bud?" Bea asked Levi.

"Yes Beabea" Levi said, smiling.

"Oh Liv you didn't have to make breakfast! You could have just woken me up" Ally said frantically.

"Oh hush, plus if it weren't for Normani, You and I, our family would be starving" I joked.

"Hey Allycat can you make the bacon, sausage and eggs while I go wake up the other's?" I asked her sweetly.

"Sure!" Ally answered while I walked upstairs.
I walked upstairs into Sam and I's room.

"Sam... Babe, it's time to get up" I whispered sweetly.

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