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Livi's POV

"You guys, this boy named Max is coming over for Thanksgiving, please be cool and don't embarrass me in front of him please! He's not Mormon so I'm not sure how my parents are going to feel about him" Dinah rambled.
All of our parents and siblings are going to all come together at our house to celebrate Thanksgiving with us.

"Flirt to convert" I said winking at her.
Dinah just laughed as I left to get dressed. I put on a leather maturity pants, a maroon sweater with a denim button down underneath. I threw my hair into a messy bun and went to greet our family's.

"Georgia! Esher! Hilary, Kim. So glad to see you! Bea is in the living room" I greated, giving all four a hug. I showed them the way to the living room and went to the kitchen to help Normani and Ally.

"Hey Moni, Hey Allycat, do you need any help?" I asked both of them.

"Nah, I think I got it. What about you Al?" Normani asked Ally.

"Yeah, Liv can you pull out the things in the oven and put them on a cooling rack? Also, put these six pie's in the fridge please!" Ally asked me. I was about to say something when I heard the doorbell.

"Jauregui's! So good to see you Mike and Clara! Taylor! Chris! So good to see you munchkin's. Lauren is in her room, I'll tell her you're in the living room" I said giving them hugs. I showed them the living room and went to get Lauren.

"LOLO! You're family is here!" I yelled up the stairs as Lauren ran down them. As soon as I got back downstairs, the doorbell rang. I went up to the door and greeted the person behind it.

"Well isn't my favorite family from the south! Hello Sierra and Miss Becky!" I said giving them each a hug.

"Jacob is in the living room, dinner should start soon!" I said guiding them to the living room. I let the Whitesides's settle in then went to answer the door again. I let Ally, Normani and Dinah's parents in and guided to the living room.

"Hey! Sam is in the living room. Levi and Roxi, Sofi will be here in a minute then you guys can all play together" I said guiding them in. After I left I went to the door.

"Ahh, the Cabello's! Come in! We've missed you!" I said picking up Sofi.

"ALLY! Everyone is here!" I told Ally as I walked into the living room.

"Great! Everyone, you can get your drinks over here and your food over here. The plates, cups and silverware are over here!" Ally said, showing everyone. After everyone got their food, we started the prayer.

"Do you guys mind if I start the prayer? Then if anyone has any troubles or wants to add something at the end, they are free to do so" I asked. Everyone agrees for me to start the prayer, so I did.

"Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for getting us all here safely, and please keep the ones that couldn't come safe as well. Thank you for all the successes, memories and good times. Please comfort and watch over us as we go into the new year. Please help, guide and comfort us as we welcome a new member to our family." I prayed. I looked up to see even the littles in prayer. Nobody else said anything, so I assumed with the prayer.

"And everyone said, Amen!" I finished, looking up.

We all dug into the food that Ally and Normani made.

"Ally and Normani, this is amazing!!" We all cheered.

"Why thank y'all" Ally and Normani said.

"So when are you due again?" Mrs. Hansen and  Kim asked me.

"I'm due May 17th! I'm having twins, a boy and a girl." I told them.

"We are so excited for you!" Clara said excitedly.

"Thank you! I'm huge, and still growing though" I said rubbing my stomach.

"Oh hush!" All the girls mom's said.
We all finished eating and cleaned up.

"Oh no, baby mama. You better sit down!" Ally told me.

"I'm pregnant, not disabled!" I said, fake sulking.

"How come Liv doesn't have to help? Not fair!" Dinah complained.

"Dinah Jane Hansen, do not make me use your full name! Go help poor, sweet Ally" Mrs. Hansen warned. Dinah helped with putting the pies on the table. We all dug into the sweet pie's Ally made!

"Let's get a group picture!" Camila suggested. Sam and Jacob moved two couches together so we could all sit. Lauren set up the timer camera, pressed it and ran to her spot.

"CHEESE!" Roxi, Levi and Sofi yelled.

We all got up from our positions and shared the picture with one another.

@LiviMarie :
family 💯
* insert picture *

We were all just hanging out, the guys were watching football in the basement.

"Hey Rox, where is Levi and Sofi" I asked the blonde haired little girl. Roxi just shrugged her shoulders in response.

"C'mon little miss Roxi" I said picking her up and putting her on my hip.

"Levi let's make sure we include Roxi, ok?" I asked him, setting Roxi down.

It was the next day, Black Friday and everyone was going home sadly. We all said our goodbyes as they left. Leslie took Levi and Roxi and Sinu took Sofi, so we were kid free at last.

"I'm exhausted" I breathed out.

"Same" everyone said, agreeing.

"Let's put on a Christmas movie and fall asleep?" I suggested. Everyone agreed so Camila put in the movie while Lauren and Bea got the blankets. We all snuggled up and soon fell asleep.

family (book three of the BFTP series)Where stories live. Discover now