Newt - I Remember

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My eyes snapped open, only to meeting with darkness surrounding me. I was moving. I knew that. I shakily sat up, propping myself on my elbows. Feeling weak. My eyes adjusted slightly to the darkness. Faint outlines of crates and rustling of animals in cages cut through the darkness. I knew what was happening.

"I'm in the elevator." I said to myself. I stood feeling weak in the knees. I felt around the elevator. Though it wouldn't really help me now. I knew where I was going.

Suddenly, the box came to a hault as the large doors above were thrown open. I shielded my eyes with my arm. I peered through the slits of my (e/c) eyes to see them. All the boys that went into the maze. My eyes widened as one of them stuck his hand out to me.

"Welcome Greenie." He said with a shit-eating smirk.

"Galy..." I whispered. He looked at me, his eyes scanning my figure in suspicion.

"How do you know my name?" He asked, jumping into the box with me. I backed away slightly.

"W-what do you mean 'how do I know your name?' I-It's me!" I explained. He looked at me like I was stupid. But I'm not stupid.

"I-It's me. (M/N)?" I asked. Hoping that he would remember me.

"I don't know you. But how did you remember your name so quickly? How do you know me?" He asked I just raised my hands in defense.

"Galy, hold up. How do you not remember? Don't you remember Wicked? Wh-what about the compound?" I rambled.

"What are you talking about!? Tell me wh-" He yelled.


My attention snapped up to a tall boy standing at the edge of the box. He had messy light brown hair that seemed familiar. But once I saw his eyes I knew who it was.

"Newt!" I yelled. My fave broke into a huge smile. I couldn't believe it.
I started to cry. He was here! He was okay! H-he was alive!

"Newt c'mon!" I yelled again. My smile faulted before it dropped.

"Newt? C-C'mon Y-ya gotta remember me!" I yelled. He looked at me in a way he never did before he disappeared from my life that day.

He looked at me like a stranger...

"Newt?" I called a little quieter this time. My voice growing shaky.

I ran my hands through my (H/L) locks. Fear running through my veins as I realized they don't remember. They don't remember me. Newt didn't remember me. I backed into the corner of the box as tears began to fall. Newt has to remember.
He can't just forget what we had. He couldn't...

I felt the box bounce with the weight of someone jumping in. I clawed at my scalp wanting to be rid of my memories like them. I didn't want to remember what they didn't. What was the point? I'd never get my Newt back. He'd just remember me as a crazy guy in the box.

I felt a hand touch my forearm as I jumped meeting the same brown eyes. There he was; maybe a foot away from me. Crouched in front of me. I wanted to hug him. More than anything. I wanted to kiss the lips I used to claim as mine.

"Hey. I... I'm sorry, I don't remember who you are; but you seem familiar. C'mon, let's get you out of this bloody box." He said standing. He held out a hand for me. I took it letting him assist me even though he seemed to have trouble with his one ankle.

Newt and I exited the box; Galy following in suit. Leaving us alone. Most likely going to do some builders shit.
I looked at the vast area before me. The small forest, the homestead, the field... And that damned maze.

"I guess I'll give you the tour." He sighed patting my back as he started forward.

"Heh... Can't really tour a place you've seen before..." I chuckled sarcastically.

"What?" He asked as he stopped looking at me. I kept my mouth shut. They don't remember. I have to keep quiet for now.

"Nothing." I stated as he began walking forward. I followed behind as I looked him over. Newt looked just the same as he did all those years ago, but better. Puberty was doing this boy right.

"So, uh- (M/N)? Was it?" He asked. I met his eyes with my own and felt my heart crack knowing he didn't remember me in the slightest.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered giving him a sad smile.

"How do you remember some of this stuff?" He asked. I shrugged. I didn't know. I just remembered waking up in the box after some Wicked agents knocked me out. I remember I was still searching. Still looking for Newt in one of the mazes. Even though they told me he was long gone. I knew he wasn't. I knew he was alive...

"I really don't know. I should be mind blank about it like the rest of you... I-... I really wish I was..." I said, whispering the last scentance to myself.

We walked a ways further in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable. Like you'd expect it to be, but it wasn't exactly the most peaceful silence we'd been in. But what could I say when boyfriend didn't even remember me?
I still loved Newt. With all my heart. But, I wasn't going to force him into something he didn't remember.

"How do you remember me?" He asked. I looked down at him. Being I was a few inches taller that the sixteen year old.

"We were close..." I whispered, choking back tears.

"How close?" He pressed. Stopping on the spot.

I looked at him. I wanted him back. I wanted to love him again; the way we did when we were younger. When life was so much easier...

"Closer than you think." I said again, a rebel tear streaking my (s/c) cheek. I quickly swiped it away with the palm of my hand.

"I really missed you Newt. Y-you have no idea..."

We continued on until Newt suddenly stopped.

"Your name... Your name its. It's so familiar..." He trailed. His brows furrowed as he drew his hands to his temple rubbing them in circles as a sharp exhale exited his lips. He winced in pain as he fell to his knees. Soon curling into himself. I dropped to his side and quickly grasped his face in my palms. He grabbed my wrists as he let out a cry of pain.

"Hey hey, talk to me. What's wrong?" I asked. I felt my instincts kick in as I pulled him into my chest hugging him. His hands gripped my (c) shirt at he rested his forehead against my chest. A muffled cry pressed to my skin as he clutched the fabric between his fingers.

He went quiet and I glanced down at him. His vision snapped to meet mine. His brown eyes were wide, rimmed with tears. A laced with a look I couldn't quite read as he stared at me. His hands reached to my face, tracing over my features lightly.

"(M-M/N)..." He stuttered. I nodded.


"(M/N)." He said again. His face broke out into a broad grin as he hugged me.
I wasn't sure what was happening, but I hugged him back burrying my face in his shoulder.

"I remember..." He whispered.

"I remember."

Hey I'm sorry if that was bad. This was just a quick little one I thought of. And I had no other (doable) requests. So I just asked my friend for one and she said Newt.



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