Thor Odinson - Author

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With heavy shoulders I let out a sigh. I stared at the blank writing screen of my computer before me, the disappearance and reappearance of my curser a quiet maddening timer of the seconds I was wasting by staring at the unfinished work of literature.

"Gods damn this novel." I scowled running my hands through my hair.

"Surely you do not mean it?"

I twisted around seeing my romantic partner peering in the doorway of my study. I gave a soft smile but looked back to my computer. Thor carefully walked in, taking care to my knowledgable materials tossed about the study's floor, like a inspiration-less tornado tore through our home, only affecting this room.

I felt Thor's hand gently clasp my shoulder as he looked at the same blank screen as I, his blue eyes flicking from the pausing curser to my pursed lips which I drummed my fingertips upon in a quizzical fashion.

"You're thoughts have escaped you agian? Haven't they?" Thor asked. I sighed. Running my hand over my features in aggravation my brows slightly furrowed at the blank page mocking me and my writing degree.

"Definitely..." I mumbled. Thor sat crouched down and sat beside me looking at the screen. His own mind working up some help for the book I've worked so hard on.

"What are the heros doing now? How is their quest?" He asked. I scrolled up letting him read the previous page, explaining the characters unfortunate predicament. Thor read it quietly his eyes reflecting the screens bionic light.

"Have you thought of killing one of them? I've heard sudden death makes good sales." Thor asked. I chuckled running my hands through his blond locks.

"You always propose a characters death." I chuckled. I continued running my hand through his hair. Which did wonders on his and my nerves. The softness of his messy gold tresses always relaxed me. Along with Thor of course, he was the one who basically got a massage every time I was stressed.

"It is the simplest way to create conflict." He mumbled. His eyes were closed in bliss as he leaned against my chair. Growing tired at my 'mystical touch' he would say.

"Well, I don't need more conflict my king." I chuckled. He peered through half opened lids and begrudgingly stood. He stretched his arms causing his Midgard styled shirt to ride up, giving me a glimpse of his oh-so-godly abs.

"Why not take a break? The sun is risen half sky and I have not graced the land with a storm. It's wonderful out." He asked. I groaned throwing my head back.

"You'd think after five years you'd remember I don't like the outdoors." I said. Thor chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"I remember. I just would like you to get fresh air every once in a while. You stay in this library for hours, hardly even seeing me." He complained. I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.

"I see you plenty Thor, and with less on for that fact. But I need to finish this chapter today or I'll be behind." I said, eyes gone downcast as I tried thinking of what to write.

I was so caught up in my ideas that I hadn't noticed Thor's arms wrap around me and lift me from my place in my office chair.
I yelped nearly jumping out of my skin as Thor carried me from my work area.

"Thor! No! Please! I need to work!" I complained, squirming in his grasp. Which I had no chance of escaping. He carried me out of the room, out the house, to our patio where he finally stopped. Placing me on the porch swing. Then sitting beside me.

"Work can wait, you need a break." He said throwing an arm behind my shoulders. I sighed but looked ahead, over the rolling hills of the deserted field area we called home. I chuckled at the patch of our lawn that's been burnt one too many times by Thor's extreme entries. I took a deep breath leaning my head on his broad shoulders, which acted as the perfect headrest for my relaxing frame.

"Is this not better my love?" He asked. I chuckled, turning to look at my husband.

"Definitely my king." I smiled. He returned it with a smile brighter than a crash of thunder in his beautiful storms. The ones that swirled the imagination in cracks of thunderous ideas and creative genius, that never ceased to get my mind buzzing with ideas for the books I wrote for a living.

"I do love you very much (M/N). Never forget that." He said, I gave a quick smile reaching a hand to his face, cupping the Asgardian's features in my smaller hands.

"And I you Thor." I whispered. He smiled and leaned in. My mind racing as our lips connected in a silent crash of boisterous thunder. Shocking me to the core in a electrifying song of gods and men who dared love something more perfect than them. My hands went to his neck where they pulled on locks of gold. His hands descending to my waist, pulling me closer to his warming body.

My thoughts raced, every memory of all of the many kisses we've shared in the last five years felt lesser to the superiority of this one. Though that's how it felt every time my lips dared dance with a gods. Our courtship was a peculiar one, if not one of a kind in not only our queer way, but they way we fell for eachother beside that taboo oddity.

Differences aside our battle was fought, and love conquers all. Our love conquering the challenges it met along its way.

My eyes suddenly snapped open as an idea popped into my mind. One so perfect I couldn't wait. I quickly parted from Thor's lips and stood bolting into the house.

"I'm sorry Thor! This idea cannot wait!" I yelled before locking myself in my study, leaving poor Thor alone on our porch.

"Gods help me understand you (M/N). Gods help me." Thor chuckled, looking to the sky above. Where an idea rich thunderstorm was brewing.

Hello lovelies.
Sorry it took a little while. I've had a small burst of writers block.

Leave ideas or requests in the comments, or send them to my personal messages.


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