Jason Grace - New Rome

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--- Jason Grace's POV ---

The coffee shop was bustling with people, even at the late hour it was. I waited in my favorite booth, watching the cars rush by as I waited for my best friend (M/N) to get off work.

We lived in New Rome for the school year, going back to Camp Jupiter every few months to check up on the campers and staff. Along with taking the casual break from studying Roman and (favorite subject) to just clear our minds in the hustle of everyday demigod life.

I was drinking some new coffee (M/N) made. Even after the two years working at the shop, (M/N) could still find something new for me. It was about six fourty and I had plenty of time to basically sit there and twiddle my thumbs until (M/N) got off at seven. After a while of thinking what we'd pick up for dinner I was drawn into my thoughts of (M/N).

He was a great guy. Charming, handsome, and a real good guy. He was always the best child of (G/P). Having the most talent and being the most charismatic. He was very kind to new campers. And was always. Always. Swarming with girls, and unlucky guys like me, that were too scared to tell him how we felt.

But who could blame me? A guy like (M/N) liking, let alone, loving a guy? It was unlikely.

That's when I got close to him. Just to be friends at first. Then seeing how amazing he was I fell for him. We were close to a point where people mistook us as a couple. I was embarrassed most times, but it seemed (M/N) enjoyed the idea. He never flat out said it, though on nights when we were cold and sleep avoided the two of us. I could almost work up the courage to tell him the truth. Tell him he made me feel like I could fly. That if he smiled I could hardly hold the words of affection from spilling. The unspoken love overflowing. Leaving me full of unsaid adoration I could never tell him of.

He was my best friend, I wanted him to be more than that. I wanted to hold his hand. Have his heart all my own. Know I own it. Feel loved by the one person I loved in return. I wanted his mind to be filled with thoughts of me, as mine was of him. I want to feel his lips against mine. Know the rhythm of his passion. Imprint the memory in my mind. And keep his love to myself.

I took a final sip of the coffee. It was just right. Like it always was when (M/N) made it. Just the right mix of bitter and sweet to keep me wanting more. Just like him. I swear I spent half my savings at this coffee shop. Always waiting on him.

"Hey Superman."

I looked up. (M/N) stood there. He had on his (f/c) hoodie and a pair of jeans. He was tired, but gave me a smile. Even if he was dead tired from work it still amazed me he could smile so bright every time.

"Hey (M/N)." I smiled. I stood from the booth and began towards the door with him. He walked by my side as we exited the small shop.

The streets were illuminated with the yellow glow of the street lamps. The sidewalks bustling with people, politely making way for the two of us.

(M/N) seemed off this day. He wasn't rambling about work like he usually did on our way home. He was looking around. Looking to the stars, then the people, then tracing his vision to the street. He couldn't seem to concentrate on where we were walking.

"(M/N)?" I asked. He looked over. His (e/c) eyes reflecting the soft yellow light around us.


"Are you alright?" I asked. He looked down a small frown etching his features.

"I've just-" he sighed, "been thinking..." He finished.

"That's a dangerous thing." I joked. He cracked a smile chuckling at the comment.

"I've had this... Well, guy stuck in my head..." He trailed. I felt a glimmer of hope rise in my chest. A small spark hoping to catch flame on the possibility of this guy, being me. He looked over at me before his smile dimisnished. I felt the spark die down. The possibility of my hopes wasn't very high. He rubbed the back of his neck, his eyes going downcast as we walked along a quiet street. Our apartment was still quite a ways away, down more empty streets and past more yellow streetlights.

"I don't know if he'd ever feel the same." He sighed. I gave a sad smile. I'd support him on whoever it was. The guy being me or not.

"I'm sure he does (M/N). And I'll support you two, whoever it is." I said. (M/N) smiled and stopped under one of the yellowed streetlights. The glow from the street lamps only added an extra charm to his form.

"Jason. I..." He paused I walked towards him. I believed, I hoped, I knew what was about to happen. And I prayed to the gods it was.

"I love you." He said in a barely audible crack. I smiled, feeling a huge weight lift off my shoulders.

"Gods (M/N) about time." I laughed. He smiled and warily  stepped forward.

"So do yo-"

I dared myself. Stepping forward I dared to kiss him. Answering his question in the form of affection if only dreamed to give him. It was probably more messy than it was perfect. But it was a perfect mess, that we slowly fixed into something perfect for us. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his went to my lower back, we pulled eachother closer. Our hearts beat the same. A rhythm I'd only dream to hear his in sync with mine. Making a sweet melody together. We finally pulled away panting. Gasps of air mixing as one before us then joining the world around us.

"Yeah, I love you too." I panted. (M/N) chuckled pressing his forehead to mine as he looked to the ground.

"Superman you're flying." He laughed. I looked down to see that, indeed, I was floating just a few inches off the ground. I chuckled.

"Sorry. Uh, crap. Gods I'm just on cloud nine right now." I laughed. (M/N) laughed along pecking my lips quickly.

"I'm glad, cause I am too." He smiled. I felt my feet touch the ground. I smiled as we began walking towards our apartment again. Hand in hand, smiles donning our faces all the way.

Sorry for all the PJO and HOO lately. I hope you like them all though.

Leave requests or ideas in the comments below, or in my personal messages.


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