Armin Arlert - Bullies

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High school was hell.
I mean c'mon. Between the fake girls, stoners, and cocky jocks. No one wants to deal with the hellish homework and all but edible food.

High School was hell.

Armin Arlert raced down the halls of the Trost Public High School dropping pencils and missalanious papers as he sprinted as hard as he could towards his math class. He just wanted to avoid the all to familiar cocky jocks that loved to pick on the not as physically gifted nerds like him.

"Hey Arlert!" Armin internally groaned as he heard the familiar voice of one of his tournamentors. He pushed himself a little more until his luck ran out. Tripping over nothing, he went scuttling to the ground. Books and papers flying everywhere. He paled with fear as another evil jock grabbed the back collar of his shirt.

"Can't even run can you?" Bully number one sneered pulling the smaller boy to his feet. Then pushing him towards the lockers where he stumbled slamming into them. A loud resonating bang through the empty hall.

"Come on Liam. Please just let me go." Armin begged uselessly as two others presented themselves at bully number one's side.

"Did you do last nights homework?" Bully number two asked a shit eating smirk evident on his face.

"Or were you blowin' your boyfriend?" Number three asked. Making a vulgar hand motion.

Everyone at the school knew Armin was dating a boy. Though no one but Eren and Mikasa knew who. Bullies like these liked to rub it in the blond's face.

Armin was not ashamed of his boyfriend. Nowhere near that. He just, didn't feel it was necessary for everyone to know. And his significant other understood. Though he never heard of the trouble the smaller got in.

"I-I wasn't- I-" Armin stuttered. Loosing his voice in fear.

"We'll speak up fag!" Number one yelled. Armin flinched shielding his face with his arms. The bullies laughed as number two took a swing.

Only for it to be caught in a (s/c) hands grasp.

"I believe," (M/N) interjected, "you're being a little rude to Mr. Arlert here." (M/N) continued increasing his grip on the boy's wrist.

"(M-M/N)! Uh, n-no no we were just uh, askin' what the math homework yesterday was." Bully one stammered. Shaking in his fake Jordan's as he basically cowarded in front of the football teams quarterback and captain.

"Y-yeah." Bully three confirmed shielding himself behind bully two.

"Oh, really?" (M/N) asked sarcastically. Dropping the now almost bruised wrist. The owner slapping his palm over the aching joint.

"Well, just so you don't forget. It's page 363, 5 through 100. If you ever need to know again. Ask me." He informed adding extra emphasis on 'ask me.'

All the while, Armin hid behind his much taller boyfriend. Grasping the forest and motor oil scent of his lettermans jacket. The dark green and tan jacket  making (M/N) seem more terrifying than he usually is. Though Armin knew well it wasn't the case. Unless you pissed him off.

"Y-Yeah (M-M/N) we'll ask you!" Bully two exclaimed smiling nervously as they began towards their next class.

Armin watched as the group rounded the corner, leaving the two alone in the silent hall.

(M/N) turned to his boyfriend a small, sad smile greeting Armin's ocean eyes.

"You alright?" (M/N) asked wiping Armin's cheek. He wasn't aware he was crying. But knew (M/N) wouldn't judge him for it. They had known eachother since elementary, and started dating Sophomore year. Being Seniors, they'd gone through a lot.

"Y-yeah." Armin stuttered nodding to himself in affirmation. (M/N) looked at the ground and stooped down picking up a few papers gently as not to crumble the already semi-crumbled papers. Armin sighed and joined him, picking up his AP Math book, smoothing the disturbed pages.

"I'm sorry, I thought I could pass them." Armin sighed as (M/N) passed him a few papers.

"Why didn't you tell me?" (M/N) asked looking to Armin. His soft (e/c) eyes showing more concern than usual. (M/N) always worried for his smaller half. And always wore the look of a worried parent.

Armin sighed. Collecting more papers before standing. His boyfriend following in suit.

"I... I never thought to." Armin said. A lame excuse he knew (M/N) would see through.

Of course (M/N) knew when Armin lied to him. Especially about important things like this.

"I know you're lying. I could've helped you sooner." (M/N) sighed more worry etching itself into his tired features.

"I didn't want people asking-"

"Asking what?" (M/N) interrupted. A shred of anger lacing his firm voice. (M/N) looked down at his boyfriend his eyes slightly dewy.

"Are you afraid? Of me? Of them? Of us?" (M/N) started. Liquid emotions threatening to spill. Armin swallowed the growing lump in his throat and dropped his books gently on the ground. On instict going and wrapping his arms around (M/N)'s waist burrying his face in the captains chest. The males jacket almost concealing the shorter if it weren't for his lower half.

"I'm not afraid..." Armin admitted, "I'm terrified."

(M/N) frowned to himself and gently wrapped his arms around the other. Swaying slightly to himself. Armin following his imagery rhythm.

"I am too..." (M/N) admitted, a tremble in his voice.

"But I don't care what they think."

Armin looked up. His eyes meeting a crying, but smiling (M/N). Who looked at Armin with all the love in the world.

"As long as I love you, and you love me. That's all I care. If they can't accept that. It's their loss." (M/N) sniffled. Armin stood on his tip-toes and stretched just high enough to peck (M/N) on the lips. Before falling back to his height.

They stood in the middle of the hall, standing in silence as Armin listened to (M/N)'s steady heartbeat. The heart he knew he owned. A wave of happiness washed over him as he smiled in (M/N)'s embrace. Feeling his past worry melt away.

"Is that (M/N) and Arlet?" A voice asked. Armin snapped his head to the source seeing a random popular girl. She stared in confusion as the couple stared back.

"(M/N) what are you doing?" She asked cocking a makeup dipped eyebrow.
(M/N) looked from the girl to Armin and back.

"Hugging my boyfriend." He stated. The girls eyes widened as Armin's crimson face snapped towards (M/N).

"What else would I be doing?" (M/N) chuckled. Care-free to the sudden discovery.

"That's what you do when you're in love."

"And I love him. Very, very much."

. . .

From that day on, no one bothered Armin. At least, not unless they wanted to confront (M/N) first.


I think this was okay, I mean I wrote it in two hours and it's 11 o'clock rn, but it's worth it.

Next up should be Tony Stark X Mutant! Male! Reader.

As usual, ideas and requests are always open. Either drop a comment here, or send them to my private messages!


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