Levi Ackerman - Trouble

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(M/N) (L/N).
One of; if not the biggest trouble makers in the Survey Corps.
You see... (M/N) had a way with trouble. If trouble were a person, they would be married. If trouble were an animal, (M/N) discovered it. If trouble were a country, (M/N) was the king. If trouble were a book, (M/N) was the author and main character.

He was just that troublesome of a squad leader.

Always pranking the cadets and other squad leaders; sneaking into the kitchen and snagging food reserves for himself and others sometimes; "accidentally" letting all the horses out of their stalls. All but his own of course.

Oh yes. (M/N) was a trouble maker.

It was early in the morning, Squad Leader Levi was walking the halls debating weather he should wake the cadets now; or let the brats sleep a little bit longer.
That was- until he saw a familiar flash of (h/c) rush pash him down the hall.

"Hey!" Levi yelled. Looking at his feet he saw the person dropped something. Levi picked it up and saw that it was a small bag of reserves.

"I swear if it's Sasha she's running the walls." Levi growled running after whoever dropped the stolen reserves.

He peered past the corner seeing the same dash of (h/c) as it rounded the opposite corner.

"Whoever you are stop now!" He yelled. Effectively causing a ruckus amongst the halls.

The thief only ran faster as Levi tried to catch up. By now Levi guessed that it wasn't Potato Girl. He would've caught her by now. He guessed it was possibly Connie. But dismissed that idea being the runner had much more hair than baldy.

Soon enough Levi found himself running out the doors into the training grounds.

In the open area he got a more accurate look of the thief.

They had (long, short, etc.) (h/c) hair, and (s/c) skin that paired nicely. They wore a (f/c) button up and dark pants; paired with some average shoes as they ran swiftly.

"Go (M/N)!" A few cadets yelled.

It finally snapped into place. Of course it was (M/N).

Levi pushed his little legs a little harder to catch the other squad leader as cadets cheered (M/N) on.

(M/N) peered over his shoulder munching on some bread before jumping slightly and sprinting to the stables.

"I got you now you little shit." Levi grumbled chasing the othe male into the building.
Levi slammed the stable door open scanning the open area. With no sign of the troublesome squad leader.

"(M/N)! Come out wherever you are!" Levi yelled looking into the stalls, hoping to find the (h/c) arse.

There was a thud behind Levi as he turned sharply to see a bag of reserves on the ground. Looking up; Levi saw the freak in the rafters. Laying across a beam. The (e/c) eyed squad leader gave a small wave as the short stack stormed over to the thief.

"Get down." Levi demanded.

(M/N) snickered and opened another bag of reserves, eating a potatoe as the shorter of the two glared at him.

"No thanks Shorty I choose life." He mused before taking another bite of the potatoe.

Levi placed his hands on his hips fuming as he knew he couldn't reach the beam at his height.

So; he decided to sit down and speak to the odd squad leader.

"What are you doing?" (M/N) asked munching on the stolen goods.

"Tell me (M/N). Why do you like causing so much trouble?" Levi asked looking up at the male above him.

"What do you care?" (M/N) countered cocking a brow, leaning against a vertical beam behind him.

"I'm just trying to make conversation." Levi grumbled.

'This is stupid...' Levi mentally grumbled.

The area seemed deathly quiet, even with the sound of waking cadets and nature.

"Old habits die hard." (M/N) stated quietly; catching the Ravenette off guard.

"What?" Levi asked. The male above smiled down at him before looking into space.

"I used to steal for a living. After my parents left me back in Trost as a kid... No one wanted a brat like me." (M/N) trailed, his grin falling as he spoke.

"Messing with the Military Police was the only fun I got as a kid." He chuckled.
Levi felt bad for (M/N). Though they had been in the Survey Corps together for a long time; he never really spoke to him. Seeing (M/N) as more of a nuisance than any help.

"Why did you sign up for the Survey Corps then?" Levi asked. (M/N) glanced down at Levi and grinned.

"I didn't have much of a choice Levi. I got the same deal as you. 'Survey Corps or Prison.' You can guess what I chose." He chuckled.

Levi rolled his eyes.

"How are you not working in the fields for all the shit you do?" Levi finally asked.

"You see Levi." (M/N) spoke.

"With this smile;" He grinned.

"I can get away with anything."

Levi smiled. A small smile. But a smile none the less.

"You're not so bad (M/N)." Levi chuckled.

The Squad Leader gave a good laugh before hopping from the rafters.

"Not so bad yourself Levi." He smiled.

"But you're not getting these reserves back." He mused before sprinting out the stable doors.

The reserves weren't the only thing (M/N) stole that day. As cheesy as it sounds. Levi would tell you; (M/N) also stole his heart.


A/N I'm sorry that sucked major donkey ass. But I had no requests and I was bored so I just rolled with it.
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