Sam Winchester - Catching Up

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Sam Winchester and I go way back. Back to the times when our dads would ditch us at Bobby's and leave us for weeks on end. Usually I'd tag along with the Winchester duo or preferably go with Sam whenever Dean was being a little snot.
Usually my memories with Sam were the best. We'd explore the heaps of cars Bobby had and try to make our own adventures in the day. From, Pirates to Astronauts we had big dreams. Sometimes we'd talk of taking on those dreams together. But... Over time, I saw the youngest Winchester less and less. It broke my heart to see him drift away so easily.

The last time I saw Sam was when I was eight. I was year older than Sam though he always had a few inches up on me. We knew it was the last time we'd see each other for a long while. Bobby got into a big fight with my dad and it sounded awfully like after this hunt I wasn't coming back to Bobby's again.

"(M/N)?" Sammy asked as we sat on the hood of some rusty old car looking up at the inky sky. I was trying to teach him the constalations. Because we both wanted to be astronauts at the time.  But he took my attention from the glittering dots to his lanky form. He was tearing up. A rare sight when we were together.

"Yeah Sam?" I asked.

"W-We'll see each other again right?" He asked, questioning hazel eyes bearing into my own. He was just a kid. So concerned if he would see me again at that age. I guess I was his only concrete friend. The only one he knew he'd see every time he came to Bobby's.

I looked at the kid a sad smile stretching my features.

"I think so Sammy..." I trailed. He gave a smile and wiped his eyes before looking to the stars agin.

"So, where's Orion's Belt again?" He asked with a sniffle. I chuckled and pointed the constellation watching as he studied it.

That was the last time I saw Sam.

And that was years ago. Now, I'm twenty five. Chasing down a skin walker. Not the dreams we made as kids. I hopped the fence of the community park trailing after the mutating beast before me. I grunted as a sharp pain shot up my ankle when I hit the ground.

Chasing the thing I watched as it slithered down into another man hole.

"Damn it!" I yelled. Kicking the slim covered hunk of metal.
I glared at the smelly hole and sighed.

"If I get my jacket covered in this shit he's gonna be begging for mercy." I grumbled jumping into the putrid abyss. I flicked on my flashlight just as a gleam of leather was caught in the beam. I quickly raised my gun as the other person raised there's.

"Drop your weapon!" I yelled.

"I'd tell you the exact same thing buddy boy." The male grumbled. He was tall with green eyes and short brown hair. Faint freckles showing on his sharp features. A pang of familiarity ran through my mind. I knew this guy from somewhere...

"You a hunter?" I asked, trying to keep my voice sharp. The man was quiet for a moment.

"Yea, you?" He asked in return. I swallowed before nodding.

"Yeah. You after that skin walker?" I questioned.

"Yeah. My brother and I." He said lowering his weapon.

Then it clicked. A smile stretched my hardened features.

"Dean! Wow, it's great to see you!" I sighed. He looked at me perplexed.

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