Leo Valdez - *LEMON SCENTED* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Also this is for The_Iron_Queen thanks for the suggestion, you're an awesome sub and reader. I appreciate you very much.


I walked into the Hephaestus cabin. It smelled like oil and rust, with that ever so "delightful" smell of rancid sweat drenching the silent air. No one was in sight, as I looked around the nearly empty cabin.

I carefully closed the door behind me, hearing the resounding click of the mechanical lock. I looked around over the towering mechanisms and bunks. I spotted a familiar mop of brown curls. I smiled.

"Oh, Leo~." I sang. I saw the elf-like boys head pop from behind his project. His smile brighter than the bond fire as his brown eyes held that ever-so-familiar spark of mischief, a small dance of flames in those beautiful deep brown eyes.

"Hey (M/N)." He said, a smirk on his lips as I walked over to my shorter partner. I sat on the edge of his workspace. Looking over the array of parts strewn across its oil and grime smeared surface. Then back to Leo who rested his left hand on my thigh in a comfortable mannor. I rested my hand on top of his, his eyes flicked to mine as he gave a softer smile.

I leaned over and pressed a small kiss to his lips. To which he smiled into. I laughed a little as we stood from his work area, the kiss growing more heated, and my hands moving to his face, stroking circles into his grime smeared skin. His hands went to the collar of my shirt, pulling me closer and closer towards him.

I laughed again as we stumbled over something in front of his bunk. Before falling onto his bed. We fell side by side, both laughing in a light way.

"(M/N)?" Leo asked once our laughs died down to soft chuckles. I stifled my laughter and hummed. My response to tell him, go ahead.

Leo blushed slightly, his eyes gone downcast as I looked him over.

"I was thinking... Maybe we could you know..." He trailed I cocked a brow.

"What? What do you want to do?" I asked. Leo sat up. Beginning to fiddle with his fingers in an anxious way. Refusing to meet my eye.

"I-I don't know, forget about it." He said. I propped myself onto my elbows my brows knitted in confusion.

"Leo what's up?" I asked. He didn't say anything which was pretty terrifying to me.

"I... I want to ya know... Do the," he coughed, his blush growing with the silence.

"I want to spend the night with you... And not just sleep." He mumbled. I was more confused now than ever.

"What do you wanna like, play video games or?" I asked. Leo sighed.

"Not like that. Gods you're dense sometimes." He chuckled. I thought a moment then it clicked.

"O-oh. You mean?" I asked. Leo nodded. I felt my face bloom with color. I scratched behind my neck. Coughing to try and ease the awkwardness, only to make it worse.

"I mean we don't have to-"

"No no! I want too. Gods you have no idea how much I want to but..." I sighed. My face grew redder every passing moment as I flopped my back to Leo's bed. I rubbed face with my sweating palms. Groaning into my hands.

"But what?" Leo asked. I sighed. Gods how do you tell the guy you love you're not ready? I peered through my hands, then covered my eyes again.

"I don't know... If I can get my cabin to myself. Or, find a spot for us." I lied. Really I was terrified of what he was implying we do. I wanted to! Don't get me wrong! But, I don't know how we could.

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