Hinata Shoyo - Studying

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Hinata walked to volleyball practice, his head down and pouting. He had gotten bad marks on one of the biggest tests of the year. And if he wanted to stay on the team he had to get an absolute one-hundred percent on his next test in four days time.

"It's hopeless..." He mumbled. He opened the gym doors and smiled.

Despite the situation Hinata was in, seeing his crush (M/N) always made it better. Now (M/N) was currently a manager, because he broke his wrist diving for a ball Asahi ended up getting.

The injured player was smiling and cheering the team on as they practiced drills. (M/N) turned to see Hinata and gave a small smile.

"Hina-chan, why are you so late?" (M/N) asked stepping to the side withe the first year.

Hinata sighed, blushing at the name (M/N) had called him. He held a note from his teacher which told his fate if he didn't study. He handed the paper to the second year who looked it over.

"I'm sorry (M/N)-kun. I had to stay behind with (teacher)-san to discuss my grade." Hinata frowned. (M/N) handed the note back to Hinata and shrugged.

(M/N) furrowed his brows.

"You're having trouble in (favorite subject)? I always thought that class was easy." He said. Hinata nodded.

"It's my last class before volleyball. I get too excited, and I space out..." Hinata mumbled.

"I can help you. Not like I'm that busy besides volleyball management." He shrugged. Hinata blushed embarrassed.

"Y-you sure? I-I'm sure you're busy." Hinata asked, half-hoping he'd think of a reason not to study with him. He didn't want to look stupid in front of his crush.

The second year shrugged.

"I'm not busy. So, how about after practice you come to my house. I can help you with (favorite subject), and any others you're having problems with." He said. Hinata blushed but nodded.

"Now, come on. You need to practice." (M/N) chuckled pushing the decoy player to the locker rooms.

Hinata changed quickly and popped back into the gym where he practiced. He wasn't as focused as he should've been. But he knew he'd be studying with his crush later, so it was a little daunting.


After practice had ended, Hinata called his mother. Telling her he was studying at a friends. His mother allowed it and he hung up just as (M/N) waved goodbye to the other managers.

"Ready?" (M/N) asked, standing beside the shorter boy. Hinata nodded and they began on the short walk to the (L/N) residence. The sun was slowly dipping down in the sky, and the dying rays painted shops and streets with a warm glow.

(M/N) liked this time of day, and usually took his time walking home. He loved the colors of warmth, the bright rays dancing over town always brought a smile to the second years face.

As the last rays of light disappeared from the horizon the duo came upon (M/N)'s apartment. (M/N) took out his keys and unlocked the door, allowing Hinata into his home first. Then closing the door behind him.

"Welcome to Casa del (L/N)." (M/N) greeted, kicking off his shoes. Hinata did the same. Timidly following behind the second year.

"When do your parents come home?" Hinata asked, looking around the small apartment. (M/N) turned and looked at the first year a sad smile on his face.

"They don't. They uh, died a while ago. So, I live alone." He muttered.

Hinata instantly felt bad.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry (M/N)-kun!" He apologized.

"It's no big deal," (M/N) shrugged, "Come on." He motioned Hinata over to the living room. Where (M/N) sat beside a coffee table. He pat the squat of carpet beside him and Hinata carefully sat in the spot.

"So what do you need help with?" (M/N) asked. Hinata dug through his bag quickly and brought out the textbook for his class.

"This chapter." Hinata said pointing to a specific section of the page. (M/N)nodded and began explaining the section.

After two hours Hinata felt he understood the section fairly well.

"Do you want something to eat? I have curry buns in the kitchen." (M/N) said pointing to the small kitchen.

Hinata couldn't help but beam like the sun at the mention of one of his favorite foods. He nodded excitedly as the two stood from the carpet and went into the kitchen.

(M/N) pulled out two of the buns heating them in the microwave then handing one to Hinata who ate the bun happily.

"Thank you (M/N)-kun." Hinata said. (M/N) smiled and waved his hand dismissively.

"Drop the kun. We're friends." He said. Hinata felt a twinge of sadness.

"Friends." Hinata said, almost sadly.

"O-okay. You can just call me Hinata." He stuttered. (M/N) nodded as he finished his curry bun.

"Tell me about yourself Hinata. I don't get to talk to you much during practice. You're always working so hard." (M/N) chuckled. Hinata blushed. But told (M/N) about his family, home life, and his favorite things. (M/N) doing the same.

"Do you like anyone?" (M/N) asked with a small smirk. Hinata blushed and shook his head.

"N-no." He stuttered. (M/N) frowned at this. But let it go. Understanding Hinata probably didn't like him that way.

"Alright, how about we finish up with a review?" He asked. Hinata nodded as they went back to the living room, sitting in their same spot.


An hour or so passed and as (M/N) had finished explaining something he looked up to see Hinata fast asleep. He smiled and quietly stood. He gingerly scooped up the small volleyball player and placed him on the couch.  (M/N) grabbed a blanket from his room and draped it over the sleeping boy. Who shuffled slightly in his sleep. Muttering some incoherent words as (M/N) picked up the living room.

A certain sentence stuck out amongst the rest.

"I love you (M/N)." He whispered fast asleep. (M/N)'s eyes snapped to the sleeping decoy. He blinked in suprise and set the textbooks back in the table.

He silently sat beside Hinata. Looking over the boys peaceful features. The second year smiled to himself. A sort of affection welling in his chest. (M/N) swallowed his anxiety and leant over pressing a small kiss to the first years forehead.

"I love you too Hinata."


I started reading Harry Potter, so I'll take those babes as requests. And I think I'll start taking YouTubers as well.

Comment your ideas and requests below, have a nice day and smile!


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