Lev Haiba - Locked In

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I looked up at Lev Haiba, the tallest player on the volleyball team I managed. Practice had just ended and the team had mostly left the gym, leaving me to put away the volleyballs and take down the nets. I gave a small smile seeing Lev. He was still in his practice clothes, sweating from the intense Friday practice.

"Do you want help?" He asked. I shook my head, feeling a blush bloom across my cheeks.

"No it's okay Lev... You should go change. It is Friday after all, I'm sure you wanna get home," I said. The volleyball player furrowed his brows but walked forward reaching the top of the net and unhooking it from its clip. Something I needed a stool to do.

"It's okay, I don't mind helping you at least take the nets down," he said. Smiling brightly at me. I blushed even darker but offered a smile in thanks as I unhooked the bottom of the net. Doing the same at the other end while Lev unhooked the top of the net for me. I squatted down and hurriedly rolled the net for storage. Standing I casually went to the back room to put the net away. When I had placed it in its respectful corner I heard the storage room door shut. I turned around quickly and saw the same silver haired volleyball player.

"L-Lev is the door locked?" I stuttered. He looked to the door, then looked to me his eyes wide.

"Well... I didn't know it would-"

"WE'RE LOCKED IN?!" I screeched. Lev flinched at my volume. Looking back at me nervously. I ran my hands through my hair.

"Coach left five minutes ago! And he's the only one with a key!" I wailed. Lev looked at me sympathetically.

"(M/N) I'm sorry. I just thought you'd need help-"

"Leeeeev! I could get in huge trouble for this. I'm supposed to have that key on me," I whimpered. Lev looked around the storage room quickly. His cat eyes scanning the room of volleyballs and torn nets.

"Can't we like pick the lock or something?" He asked.

"With what? Volleyballs?" I asked glumly, sitting on the floor. I knew we'd be stuck in here for a while now. Especially with all the guys in the locker room. Lev sighed and walked over, sitting so close to me we were practically touching shoulders. Not that I was complaining, but my heart was racing and I was sweating out of anxiety.

You see, I've been crushing on the taller player for a while now. We were fairly good friends by now, and sometimes hung out on weekends since I lived nearby. He was the main reason I started managing the team.

"I'm sorry," Lev said. Looking towards me with his stupid perfect eyes. He bit his stupid perfect lips and looked down at his stupid perfect hands that I wanted to hold.

"It's okay... You didn't know," I mumbled looking away from his stupid perfection to my shoes. I looked over every smudge and scuff on them as Lev and I sat in silence.

"Well since we're gonna be in here for a while, why don't we just talk?" He asked. I looked up at him and pursed my lips. Nodding none the less. Lev turned and sat cross legged facing me while I leant against the opposite wall bringing my knees to my chest.

"So, how's (cat name)?" He asked. I laughed a bit as he mentioned my cat.

"He's good, how's your sister?" I asked. Lev smiled and I could feel my cheeks redden just seeing his stupid perfect smile.

"She's good," he laughed. I smiled when he laughed. It was a wonderful sound, and I always felt happy just hearing it. 

It was quiet for a while, as we didn't know what to say. My eyes wandered the storage room and I pursed my lips gnawing on my bottom lip nervously.

"Hey I know we never really talk about this but, do you like anyone?" He asked. I felt my face go scarlet from my cheeks to my ears. I bit down on my lip fighting the urge to just blurt yes, you.

"Y-yeah," I mumbled. I saw a gleam in his eye.

"Who!?" He asked. I felt my stomach do flips. Do I tell him? Or should I just make some name up? What if I hurt his feelings by saying someone else? What if he doesn't feel the same?

"W-well I-I don't know I can't-"

"(M/N) you can tell me! I-If it's any help I'll tell you mine!" He said. I gaped at him and looked down. If he was so eager to tell me who, it probably wasn't me.

"It's you."

My eyes snapped up to meet his. He blushed lightly and looked down.

"S-Sorry I just, I got excited to finally tell you," he smiled looking back at me. I stared at him in disbelief. He really liked me?

"No I-I just wasn't expecting you to like me back," I whispered. Lev blinked in surprise.

"Wait did you just say like you back, like, as in you like me too?" He asked. I felt my face burn red.

"Y-yeah," I stammered.

Lev smiled so bright it lit up my whole world. He quickly shuffled over and leant over my knees pressing a kiss to my lips. I squeaked in surprise as my eyes widened in surprise. Lev's lips were so soft and warm and they felt like home almost. I slowly closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back. He smiled into the kiss and I couldn't help but smile back. I felt like fireworks were going off in my stomach. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his hands rested on my hips and I traced my hands down his jawline before pulling away from the kiss. Air flooding my lungs as I panted. Lev smiled and pressed his forehead to mine.

"That was perfect, just like you," he grinned. I blushed and looked down unable to meet those gorgeous eyes.

"Sh-shut up," I stammered. He laughed a little and kissed the tip of my nose.

"You're so cute," he sang. I blushed but pouted none the less.

"Shut up! No I'm not!" I cried, smiling against my will as I had never been so happy in my life.

"Yes you are. The cutest," he smiled. I looked down and swallowed my fear.

"I think you're cuter," I mumbled. He laughed again and nuzzled my nose with his.

"So cute!" He yelled.

An uncomfortable cough came from the doorway, and looking towards it I saw coach and more than half the volleyball team.

"I knew it!" One boy yelled.

"Kuroo you owe me twenty dollars!" Kenma spoke up. I just shut down and buried my face in Lev's shoulder blushing bright red. I'd never hear the end of this...


This chapters question is; biggest insecurity?

Mines my weight because honestly I'm overweight so Boop. But the point of this question is because I'd like to make a chapter about insecurities. I feel like it'd be a good chapter to help.

Leave your character request for the insecurities chapter below. Who would be a good character to pair with that kind of chapter?

Have a gay day,

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