Yamaguchi Tadashi - "First Date"

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Yamaguchi had just finished sports practice.   He was tired, and sweaty to say the least. But he was itching to leave.

You see, Yamaguchi had a date tonight. With a very special person.

(L/N) (M/N), 3rd year, and captain of (sport/club). The two were close, not as close as Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, but close. They had loads in common, and often had passionate conversations over their shared interests at lunch. While Tsukishima would begrudgingly wait until he and the freckled middle blocker could proceed to their class, where he could actually get a word in.

His senpai was very excited when he heard of the others feelings. (Which was totally not revealed by a certain dinosaur lover.) And planned a small date for the two after their practices the coming Friday.

Which was today.

"Alright, that's enough for today," Dachi sighed. Yamaguchi grinned and hurriedly helped take the nets down, he only had about half an hour before he had to meet (M/N) outside his practice.

So, with as much speed as he could muster he helped the team clean up and put away the equipment. Then run into the locker rooms where he took the fastest shower of his life, and changing into an extra set of clothes. He bolted from the locker room and sprinted to the location of (sport/club).

"I don't think we worked him hard enough," Suga whispered. Dachi shrugged.

"There will be next week," he sighed.

Meanwhile, (M/N) was waiting outside of his club in his change of clothes as well. His club was closest to their destination, which is why he told Yamaguchi to meet him there.

(M/N) was good looking, no one could deny that. He had perfect (e/c) eyes, that fit his persona. (H/L) (H/C) hair that made even the best looking girls wonder what he used for it. And a smile that could be mistaken for heaven on earth.

He waited patiently outside his club, Yamaguchi was a little late, but he brushed it off as a later practice. He sighed and began tapping his fingers on the wall behind him, playing his favorite song in nearly silent taps.

The growing sound of shoes against the ground soon overcame the small taps and (M/N) looked up to see Yamaguchi in the distance. He smiled and waved to his kohai.

"Yama are you ready to go?" He asked as the volleyball player approached him.

"Of course (L/N)," he smiled. (M/N) returned the smile and threw an arm over the boys shoulder.

"Perfect! I got us a table at (favorite restaurant), I think you'll like it," he smiled. Yamaguchi blushes at the close contact and nodded.

"Sounds good," Yamaguchi said. (M/N) retracted his arm from the others shoulder and shoved his hands in his pocket, smiling contently as they walked on.


After about ten minutes of walking, they came to the restaurant. Yamaguchi was finishing a story from volleyball as they walked in.

"Alright hold on a sec," (M/N) said leaving Yamaguchi's side momentarily. He walked up to a small podium where a waiter stood and smiled.

"Hi, could I get a table for two?" He asked, th waiter nodded and grabbed two menus walking the two to a small booth towards the back of the establishment.

"Thank you," (M/N) said as they sat down. The waiter nodded and promised to come back in a minute for their drinks.

(M/N) and Yamaguchi both sat and looked through their menus. Sharing opinions on certain dishes and making conversation.

Soon enough they ordered and the meal was on its way through creation. Leaving the two to chat.

"So how's volleyball?" (M/N) asked. Yamaguchi shrugged.

"It's going well, I can't wait for the next tournament. I think we'll do well," he grinned.

"You should come, you've never been to one of our games have you?" Yamaguchi asked. (M/N) smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'd love to watch you guys. You should come to one of our events, there's one this upcoming Thursday if you're not busy," (M/N) said giving an angelic smile. Yamaguchi felt his face bloom with color at the sight, but nodded.

"Y-yeah, I'll be there," he grinned.

(M/N)'s smile broadened and he was about to speak up when their food came, the two ate, chatting like anyone else would on a date. The two finished and (M/N) payed the bill. Then proceeded to walk Yamaguchi home, slipping his hand into the boys grasp. Yamaguchi's heart raced, but he tried to keep it under control.

Once they got to Yamaguchi's home (M/N) walked him to the door, smiling at the younger boy.

"I had fun (L/N)-senpai," he grinned. (M/N) smiled and chuckled slightly.

"I'm glad, how about we do it again some time?" (M/N) asked. Yamaguchi felt color bloom across his cheeks but nodded.

"I'd love to," he muttered. (M/N) smiled and leant forward, Yamaguchi felt his heart pound against his chest. He closed his eyes and leant forward meeting-




"Yamaguchi what are you doing?"
Yamaguchi jumped in his place, slapping his phone into his lap.

"N-nothing Tsukki," Yamaguchi stuttered. The salty blond entered his friends room and looked at his freckled friend. Then glanced to the phone he was hiding. He sighed.

"Are you reading fanfiction about that stupid character (M/N) from your new anime? It better not be smut," he muttered. Yamaguchi shook his head.

"I wasn't I swear! Uh, j-just Hinata texted me," he lied. Tsukki shook his head, rolling his eyes in the process. Then exiting his friends room.

"It was smut," he muttered to himself.

"No it wasn't!"

Sorry this sucks, I've just been so preoccupied with swimming and choco and i's new book down I haven't had much time to write for this book!

Hopefully you still enjoyed it!

Leave you're requests and ideas below.

And have a gay day!


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