Soususke Yamazaki - The Bus

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(M/N) hated the bus. It was always filled with sweaty people who talked too loud, smelled funny, or were just plain rude. But his car was in the shop so he had no other choice if he wanted to get to his classes on time. As they stopped near a café, a group of people waiting for the bus piled in. (M/N) had been lucky enough to get a seat to himself when he got on, but now he knew someone would have to sit by him.

On one side an old woman sat down, humming an old tune to herself with a small weathered smile. She smelled like daffodils and soil. She no doubt had a garden as she had weeks to months of dirt sealed beneath her fingernails.

On his other side sat a boy about his age, with earphones on, completely enveloped by his phone screen. He smelled like a pool. Which scent was no doubt pungent, smelling like chlorine, though lessened with the scent of axe.

He was the kind of boy (M/N) preferred to stay away from- the dangerous looking, emotionless one. He had everything from the stonic face to the 'don't talk to me or I'll knock you out' glare, even if he had beautiful teal eyes that shone the dreary light of the bus in the most interesting way.

(M/N) sighed and tilted his head back to rest against the window. He just wanted his car back. He didn't want to be stuck on this bus, claustrophobic with his wits already frayed by the stress of upcoming exams.

He sighed as the bus continued on its path. At the next stop, even more people piled on, most of them standing in the aisle and holding on to the metal poles to stay balanced on the buses hectic path. (M/N) winced and pressed himself against the seat some more. Meanwhile, beside him, the glaring boy seemed to stretch his long legs further so as to keep the crowd away. A smart move really, but not very helpful for (M/N).

That did nothing for him. If anything, it made the passengers crowd him more. He glanced around and saw someone staring at him. He furrowed his eyebrows as the man, about twenty years older smiled at him. He had a thick moustache and a cleanly trimmed beard.

(M/N) looked away, feeling his heartbeat increase and his palms grow sweaty in anxiety. He swallowed the growing fear in his throat. He glanced back to see the man scooting slowly closer. (M/N) snapped his gaze back. He'd been watching many movies in the last few days and many of them include horrific scenarios that seemed to be eerily similar to this one. He began to panic, adrenaline pumping through his veins in a false sense of bravery.

When he glanced over again the man's eyes were still on him, that creepy smile still on his face. He panicked and looked at the oblivious woman next to him then at the oblivious boy beside him. Without really thinking it through, (M/N) made a choice reached over and grabbed the boy's larger and more slender hand.

"What the fuck?" he snapped pulling his earphone out.

"What the fuck are you doing?" The boy glared at him, beautiful teals flashing in annoyance.

(M/N) turned toward the man who looked slightly confused. He turned back to the guy beside him.

"There's this guy over there that keeps staring at me and it's freaking me out." (M/N) explained, his voice just loud enough for the pool scented lad to hear without the creep hearing.

"So you think grabbing my hand makes it better?" He questioned, his brows furrowed in confusion as (M/N) sighed.

"No," he said. His shoulders slumping in momentary disappointment.

"But people stay away from, ah please, just pretend to be an overprotective boyfriend so he can back off and I can go to school, get my car after, and you'll never see me again." He said, desperate for some form of help from the larger guy.

The boy's sea foam eyes looked over towards the creep, who stood still looking over (M/N) in one of the creepiest ways Sousuke had ever seen.

"Beard guy?" (M/N) nodded, cringing at the thought of the guys beard.

"Yeah, he's glaring at me." Sousuke sighed before he looked back at (M/N) who sighed.

"That's what you get for being cute, pal. What's your stop?" Sousuke asked.

(M/N) blinked a few times to get over the shock of the compliment. "Uh, the university on fifth."

"Alright. I'm Sousuke." The boy said, introducing himself to the boy next to him.

"(M/N)." The boy introduced in return.

"Alright. So relax, (M/N). That creep won't try anything." Sousuke said as he put an arm around (M/N)'s shoulders pulling him in. (M/N) relaxed against him. He was warm. And comfortable. And he smelled nice, despite the strong pool smell. He risked a glance over to his creep and saw the man fidgeting in his place. Two stops later, spent silently and comfortably under his arm, Sousuke nudged him.

"This is your stop." He whispered.

"Oh. Right. Uh, thanks." (M/N) mumbled, he didn't want to leave without Sousuke. (M/N) felt like he could actually talk to the guy now that he knew Sousuke wasn't as bad as he seemed.

"Yeah," he said. (M/N) got off the bus and took a breath of fresh air.
He glanced down the street and began his walk among strangers. It was longer without his car and he wondered if he'd have to find another fake boyfriend halfway down the street. As he walked, someone came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.
He turned and was surprised to see Sousuke out of breath with a flushed face.

"Did- W-were you running?" (M/N) stuttered.

"Yep," Sousuke panted. The swimmer stood, still taking soft gasps of air for his burning lungs. He did just sprint from four blocks to find the handsome boy on the train he helped.

"Uh... well, I didn't know if you needed, or- well, wanted someone to walk you the campus.... And you're really cute so I figured what the hell?" He chuckled nervously and shrugged. This was no doubt out of character for Sousuke. He didn't know what sparked his interest for the boy. (M/N) stared at him, dumfounded.


"Um, okay," (M/N) said, an embarrassed smile spreading across his face.

"After you?" Sousuke asked, gesturing for (M/N) to lead the way. (M/N) smiled, Sousuke did the same fell into step with him.

Maybe the bus wouldn't be so bad if he had a real boyfriend to protect him?


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