Kenma Kozume - Saturdays

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Saturday's were Kenma's favorite. He'd sleep in, wake up, play video games, and talk to his boyfriend (M/N) over Skype as they played various games.

But this Saturday was special. The next week aligned perfectly with (M/N) and his spring break. Kenma couldn't sleep he was so excited. Kuroo even teased the volleyball player when he actually spoke to the team about this special Saturday. Kenma didn't care. He was excited. Which was really the biggest shock for everyone, being the usually cold and quiet boy was smiling more and speaking out about this specific Saturday.

It was Friday. After an easy volleyball practice before the week long break, Kenma began walking home, Kuroo walked beside him as he played a game. His golden eyes dashing across the screen.

Kuroo felt like messing with him. So he did what the others did during practice.
He brought up Saturday.

"So, Kenma? What's going on Saturday?" He asked with a smirk.

Kenma's eyes dashed to meet Kuroo's as a smile smile graced his usual poker face. He shut down his game and shoved it in his pocket, being he had just saved his game.

"I finally get to see (M/N)." Kenma grinned. Kuroo smirk grew. He knew Kenma well, and knew of their situation.

You see, (M/N) lived in (Country) which was obviously a distance from Japan. The two met in an online match where (M/N) beat Kenma. Which was surprising being it was one of Kenma's favorite games. They began chatting and soon became good friends. Kenma thought that sooner or later the (nationality) boy would forget him and move on. But he never did. They spoke almost every day, Saturdays being their best day to talk.
One day (M/N) asked to Skype the volleyball player. Kenma was actually quite nervous at this, being he developed a crush on the other boy surprisingly.
They Skyped and soon enough (M/N) was asking Kenma to be his boyfriend. Which he happily agreed. Even if the long distance did cause some problems.

"What are you gonna do? Like when he's here?" Kuroo asked.

Kenma thought for a moment before speaking.

"I suppose play video games? Maybe I'll show him around town." Kenma spoke.

"Do I get to meet him?" Kuroo snickered.

"No. He'll turn into a perv if he meets you." Kenma deadpanned. Just as he reached his home.

"Goodbye Kuroo." Kenma called before waltzing into his home. A note sat on the kitchen counter. Most likely another note from his mom saying she and dad were working late again. So he didn't bother to check as he shuffled up stairs to his room.

As soon as he stepped in he dropped onto his bed pulling out his laptop and starting the hunk of expensive metal. Kenma searched his side table for his headphones, which had a pair cat ears sewn in. A gift curtesy of (M/N), of course.

Kenma pulled up Skype and scrolled through the list to (M/N)'s contact. Tapping the adorable icon that showed Kenma's favorite dork. It showed his boyfriend looking to the camera as his friend (F/N) took the picture a section of said friends face in the corner, as (M/N) threw a peace sign with a loving grin. As he scrolled Kenma pulled one of his pillows into his grasp wrapping his arms around the plush bedding.

The usual skype tone echoed through his headphones before (M/N)'s grinning face came on.

"Hey Kenma!" (M/N) greeted the usual cheery smile apon his (s/c) cheeks.

"Hi (M/N)." Kenma returned a small smile resting apon his own features.

"How was practice?" (M/N) asked shuffling around in the room he sat in.

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