Levi Ackerman - Part Two! Outta Trouble

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"(M/N) get back here!"

Levi ran as fest as he could. His legs carrying him faster than they would've a few months ago thanks to his, precariously thefty boyfriend.

"C'mon Shorty! Just once let me get away with it!" (M/N) yelled storming down the hall.

Levi raced ahead trying to catch up with his partner who happened to drop a few reserves as he escaped before turning down the corridor to the exit.

"Oh no you don't!" Levi grunted. Pushing his legs to the brink of exhaustion. Diving towards the other male.
Sadly, missing and face planting into the floor. (M/N) snapped his vision to the now pissed Levi who lay awkwardly upon the floor. (M/N)'s eyes widened to saucers as he dropped the reserves, shocking Levi.

Not as shocking as when (M/N) scooped Levi up from the ground and turned back down the corridor.

"(M/N) what are you doing?" Levi groaned rubbing the sore spot on his forehead.

"Taking care of my boyfriend of course." (M/N) shrugged turning towards his office. Kicking the door open and gently setting Levi on the edge of his messy desk. Levi crossed his arms in disapproval as his lover searched his messy office for- well, something.

"You know if you actually kept your office clean, you might be able to find something." Levi grumbled as he watched (M/N) dig through the bookshelf that really held few books. Mostly boxes, papers, and samples from outside the walls stuffed in small jars; littered the dusty shelves in an "organized mess" as (M/N) would say.

"Well, as I keep telling you love, it's an organized mess." (M/N) chuckled throwing a stack of papers to the ground causing them to scatter amongst the others papers and dirt.
Levi scowled and scooted himself off the desk only for his legs to burn worse than any training he'd put himself through before.
Levi groaned and grabbed the edge of the desk for support.

(M/N) chuckled.
"I ran you well huh?" Said male questioned smirking at the shorter who glared in return.

"If you hadn't stolen more than enough reserves to feed a large family for a year, wouldn't be in pain. Or angry at you." Levi glowered as he slowly slid back onto the desk.

"Awe, love, don't be like that! I had a good reason. Really I did." (M/N) whined. Flashing "innocent" e/c eyes.

"And what was that?" Levi snapped. (M/N) glanced up at the fellow squad leader and smiled gently. Shocking the Ravenet, for  (M/N) usually smirked or gave sarcastic smiles as jokes. Though Levi had seen a few sincer smiles on their more memorable days together. Such as their first date, or on nights when (M/N) and Levi lay tangled in nothing but sheets sharing stories of brighter days where the Titans were forgotten for just a moment.

"I can't really explain it here..." (M/N) trailed with a chuckle looking back to the mess of shelves.

" A ha!" (M/N) cheered pulling out a small leather case. He waltzed over to Levi and opened the case, filled to the brim with different herbs and medical supplies. From bandages to and array of natural remedies.

"(M/N) I don't need any bandages." Levi sighed. (M/N) ignored him and pulled out a small bottle unscrewing the cap. Exposing a glass dropper.

"Open up." (M/N) instructed.

"What is it?" Levi questioned, arching one sharp eyebrow.

"Something that will ease the muscle pain." He replied taking the dropper to Levi's lips.

"What is i-"

(M/N) shoved the dropper between Levi's teeth. A bitter taste enveloping his senses.
He gagged trying to somehow lessen the awful taste.

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