Castiel - Beloved

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I looked up. It's been three years since I died. Yeah you heard me right. Dead, gone, six feet under, gonza. I prayed Cas didn't forget me. Hoping he didn't move on and find someone else. Holding onto the hope that Cas knew I was back, or helped me back. I stood in a field the scent of pine and hellfire swirling from me. I don't know how it happened. Or when it happened. By it I mean my death. I just remember seeing Cas one night then waking up in a box in the cemetery near my hometown. After wandering around for a few days I figured out I was dead. Yet somehow back. Can't wait for Bobby to see this.

But he could wait. I needed to know if Cas was alright. If he moved on, forgot me. Or if he waited.

The stars were shining just as bright as his smile. I smiled to myself, a rare thing in all actuality. But that was the thing about Cas. He always made me smile. I thought of the day's when he'd teleport us to random places talking the day as a new adventure where we could concentrate on something other than death. I remember the way he smelled. Something of spiced honey and angel wings that always stuck with him.

I waited for hours... I began to worry. It wasn't until the sky became painted with fallen leaves I panicked.

"Cas!" I yelled. I felt my body tremble. No no he couldn't just not answer me. He always did. No matter what. Whether it was him being fully there or a letter telling me the reason he wasn't there. I looked around. Thinking maybe I was in the wrong spot.

But as I looked around a strange symbol was burned into the ground. I felt my eyes tear up.


I fell to my knees running my hands over the burnt grass.

"C-Cas..." I croaked. The unmistakable wings burnt into the ground mocked me. I felt my heart sink, my throat was tight as a sudden slamming of a car door startled me.

"Hey! Who are you!? You can't be here!" I jumped to my feet. I reached in my jacket pulling a gun I was buried with.

"Back off! I-I'm not leaving!" I stammered pulling back the hammer. I saw a semi familiar figure standing before me.

"W-wait. (M-M/N)?" I swallowed the lump in my throat as my hands shook, my eyes blurring. They sounded familiar.

"What happened!? Wh-Where's Cas!?" I yelled. The form stepped forward. I gapped at them.

True blue eyes that made the sea jealous, brown hair messy and unkempt, seemingly last minute haircut slight stubble. Tan trench coat, blue tie, black slacks and a white shirt.

"(M/N)? P-please say its you..." I dropped my gun. My arms falling at my side.

"Cas... I'm so so sorry. I'm..." I was speachless. There he was. Right there in front of me and I couldn't say a thing. He ran forward enveloping me in a warm embrace I didn't know I missed. I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could. Like it was the last thing is ever do.

"(M/N) you have no idea how much I missed you..." He sobbed. I cried too, my tears falling into the familiar tan jacket.

"And I you my love..." I sobbed.

---Castiel's POV---

I held him close. I knew he'd come back. It took four years but he was back. Alive and well, back from wherever he went. I slipped my hands to his face pulling him in for a long overdue kiss. I felt the solitary four years slip away like a bad dream. He responded with passion not wasting the time we now had. We pulled apart a mess from the start, now worse. I rested my forehead against his. My eyes meeting his (e/c) ones. I wiped his tears, never wanting to see them again as we stood where one of Raphael's stray followers was destroyed in the past. The angel wings spreading like they welcomed us. I looked at (M/N) who closed his eyes peacefully.

"I know where your heart truly lies Castiel..." He whispered. I furrowed my brow looking to my beloved.

I felt the sudden pain the sound of skin tearing from its rightful place as an angel blade cut through my chest. I gasped releasing (M/N) from my grasp. The pain spread through my body unlike anything me or Johnny had ever experienced.

I looked at my beloved. His eyes different now, blue in a different way. The same as my brothers. My eyes widened.

I coughed blood splattering over (M/N)'s twisted features. The smile was all wrong. Not sweet and loving like the few I had seen in our time. It was crooked, evil, inhuman.

"Lucifer." I felt my eyes well with tears. Hot and angry spilling onto my already dying features. It couldn't end this way. It just couldn't.

"Right here..." He chuckled. Lucifer smiled as a bright glow overtook me. I screamed. The pain unbearable as I held onto a shred of myself.

"No! You can't win!" I cried. Knowing if I was gone, there was no way to stop his uprising. He couldn't win with me in the game.

"Oh, but I already have." He smiled. The last thing I saw before I disappeared was my beloved, the vessel of Lucifer in the uprising that ended it all.


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