Steve Rogers - Story

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--- Steve's POV ---

I looked around Stark Tower. In my pant pocket was the single most important piece of metal I've ever held. More important than a gun or the hunk of metal known as my shield. This metal was stronger than anything else, and was burning a hole in my mind the longer I held onto it. This metal was a ring. An engagement ring to be precise.

I was looking for something to inspire me. I wanted to do something special for my proposal. Wandering Stark Tower was my way of thinking lately, and I walked past (M/N)'s room. I stopped before the door and peered in.

(M/N) sat in the corner of his room a a book in hand while a few sat by. His eyes scanned the pages intently as he flipped the page, his (e/c) eyes never wavering from the solitary pages.

Now, unbeknownst to most of the team. (M/N) was a HUGE bookworm. I learned this when we first started dating a few years ago, when he made a fuss about one of his favorite characters dying. I had to go out and get the next book and his favorite food to calm him down.

I felt the lightbulb go off, and I smiled. I silently jogged down the hall into the elevator. The doors slowed shut and I smiled.

This would be perfect.

--- Time Skip ---

I held the newest book by (favorite author) in my hands. Which shook with anxiety as I walked up to my love's room. I let out a shaky breath and knocked on the door before creaking it open slightly. Only for a throwing knife to stab itself into the doorframe beside me. I jumped and looked to (M/N), who was still curled in the corner, reading the end of his book.

"I'm at the last chapter of this god forsaken book and I'll be damned if you drag me away from it right now." He mumbled, his eyes never leaving the page. I gulped but stepped in, I sat at the edge of his bed, watching as he continued reading. He glanced up momentarily before his eyes snapped back to the page.

"What do you want Spangles?" (M/N) asked. I let out a nervous laugh.

"Don't worry just finish your book. I can wait." I smiled. (M/N) continued reading for a few minutes before he shut the book with the ever so satisfying slam of read pages.

(M/N) let out a satisfied sigh and looked over. He stood from his spot and stood, stretching his limbs gracefully. He saunters over to my side and sat down. He rested his head upon my shoulder and sighed.

"It was a crazy book." He laughed. I smiled at him and pressed a kiss to the crown of his head.

"I bet. You couldn't put it down." I stated. He nodded and looked up, smiling up at me.

"Here," I said bringing the brand new hardcover book from behind me, "I got this for you." I said. I watched as his (e/c) eyes lit up at the sight of the book. His smile broadened as he grasped the book in his knife scarred hands.

"Steve..." He breathlessly gasped, and began flipping though the pages. I watched as he came upon the first stressed page.

"What ha-" The words died at his lips as he saw the ring that sat nestled between the words of the book. I reached and plucked the metal from its spot. I stood but then got down on one knee. My face had gone scarlet as I held the ring before me.

"(M/N), I know this whole adventure had been a crazy one. And I know it was stupid luck for me to find the Doll of my dreams seventy years down the line," I paused swallowing the growing lump in my throat. (M/N)'s eyes were wide and glassy as he stared at me.

"And before I go on and on, I'll just get to the point." I laughed. (M/N) smiled as I took one last deep breath.

"(M/N) (L/N), will you marry me?"

A small sob left his lips as he nodded, smiling brighter than the sun.

"Yes. A thousand-and-one times yes." He beamed. I smiled and stood sliding the ring on his finger, he hugged me.

"Gods I love you." He laughed. I smiled at his happiness and hugged his waist.

"I love you too." I grinned. He looked up and frowned.

"I can't believe you cut up a (favorite author) book though..." He pouted. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't worry, I'll buy you the book tomorrow." I chuckled.

"Now I really love you." He hummed. I rolled my eyes but didn't say a word. The silence was perfect on its own, and our story was just beginning.

Hey babes sorry this took so long. Writers block is a bitch.

Comment requests or ideas below, I appreciate the help.


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