Tip Number Fifteen

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Tip Number Fifteen

“Never Stop for McDonalds”

Submitted by SmilesEveryday

This tip name was submitted by SmilesEveryday. Please check out her works and fan her. Thank you!

                I like this tip because I can put it in the silly way it was meant to be and also add a bit of seriousness to it if that is even possible. Let’s say I get a bit hungry and I’m looking for some fast food to eat. I’m going to go to the supermarket and by some granola bars and not to Wendy’s or Burger King’s or any other fast food franchise there is because that is ZOMBIELAND HEAVEN! Don’t you know that when the undead don’t get their fresh cannibalistic meat off the streets they go to Ronald McDonalds?

                I was walking down the streets to go to Wendy’s the other day and I saw this large, fat zombie thing sitting at one of the tables. So I speedy quick in a Junie B. Jones manor ran out of the franchise with my hands flailing to the sides. He didn’t even notice me; but, that isn’t the point! The fact is that the world needs to recognize Zombies in Fast Food Franchises, and that is why I have named the second week of October ZIFFF Week. ZIFFF stands for Zombies in Fast Food Franchises. This will support all the people who have been attacked in any fast food franchise around the world.

                I will raise money (votes) by making sure to upload two Zombie Tips everyday! Yup! If you like these ideas please support me. Thank you for your time, all the zombie-turned-fast-food-eating-children will think of you.

So to Round Off Tip Fifteen…

Think of the children. Please!

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