Chapter 1

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Katniss POV
"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Prim squeaks at me

I open my tired eyes to see prim jumping around my room trying to wake me up. For my first day of school which I totally have forgotten about. Since after my father died my mother went into deep depression. It left Prim and I with no one we had to take care of our selfs. If it wasn't for Prim I would've been just like my mother.

"I'm getting up relax!" I exclaim to Prim

"Okay and remember you're driving me to school!" Prim reminds me

"I remember! Now let me get ready!" I tell her

I walk into my bathroom and start by put on a light mask of make-up. I'm not the type of girl who puts on a whole bunch where there face looks orange but I like to add a couple touches. I also put on some clothes which aren't to fancy but not to casual. I light pair of skinny jeans, and a gray sweater with a white tank-top underneath.

I then go down stairs and make Prim and I pancakes. We make sure to say bye to mom before heading out the door but like usually we don't get a response.

(At School)

I walk into school to see my favorite people Annie, Johanna, Glimmer, Finnick, Gale, and Peeta. That's pretty much our whole squad! We are one of the most popular squads at our school since we get a lot of attention!

"Hey Katniss!" Peeta yells from a little ways down the hall

I walk over to him and notice his is at his locker which is very close to mine.

"Hey Peeta! Excited about our first day?" I ask him.

"Yeah! I was wondering if yo-" he starts but Delly barges in between us and. Ruins our conversation

"Hey Peeta. I missed you over the summer, how come you didn't text me?" Delly asks all sweetly

"Because I don't like you Delly. Now please leave me alone." Peeta replies trying to get her to leave

"Whatever I know you like me. You don't have to hid it anymore." Delly says

"Delly I don't like you and I never have." Peeta says

" Whatever! See ya tomorrow!" She says walking away and blowing Peeta a kiss in the process

See Delly has had this 'thing' for Peeta for awhile now where she wants him to be hers and nobody else's. So when Peeta and I are talking she does as much as she can to get in between us. Which is highly annoying. Plus she is one of the most popular girl at our school which isn't a good thing.

"Well at least she's gone!" Peeta exclaims trying to start back up the conversation

"Yeah for now!" I reply

"Wanna come over to my bakery today? I just made a fresh batch of cheeses buns yesterday." Peeta asks

"CHEESE BUNS! Of course I'm coming!" I say back to him

"Yay! Can't wait." He says

"Me either!" I reply

Hanging out with Peeta has never been awkward it might be the fact we hang out ALL the time or that we have known each other since we were kids! We have never slept over at each other's houses or anything like that. But I will admit I do have a slight crush on him and I'm positive he like Glimmer.

(After School)

"Hey Peeta!" I yell walking into his bakery

"Here." He says handing me a medium sized container full of a bunch of cheese buns

Always (An Everlark Story) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz