Chapter 26

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Katniss POV

I lay on my bed wiping my eyes from all the tears I had. I wrap my blanket around myself and lay down trying to find sleep. Until I hear a soft knock at the door.

"Prim go away!" I mumble knowing it's her because she has been checking on me every few minutes.

I here a sigh "It's not Prim."

"Then who is it?" I ask rolling my eyes hoping its not who I think it is.


Exactly what I didn't want to here.

"Why are you here? I thought you made it pretty obvious of what you think about me."

He takes a deep breath.

"That's not what I think of you." He takes a pause "Can I please come in so we can talk."

I don't even think before the words come out of my mouth "Yes."

Something about Peeta just always makes me want his comfort. Even if he was the reason I was sad in the first place.

He slowly opens my door and gives me a look over. His face saddens.

I guess the messy bun, and tear stained face set him off.

"Katniss let me first start by saying how sorry I am. I never meant to say that and hurt you so bad."

"Well you did." I say stubbornly

"Jack has been telling me stuff about you and now I realize it's not true."

I roll my eyes "Now you realize. After you said that about me and caused me this." I say pointing to my tear stained face along with all my tissues on the floor.

"I'm so so sorry I ever thought you cheated, you would never do that."

I just stay silent.

"And your not a girl who just throws herself on everyone. I'm sorry if I hurt your self confidence." He says sadly

Tears stream down my face as that moment just plays in my head over and over again.

"Katniss I still want to be your friend, I just can't trust you not to go off with other guys while we are dating."

"Because that is something I would do."

"Maybe you changed and started throwing yourself on guys."

Maybe you changed and started throwing yourself on guys. Who knew words could hurt so much. It probably doesn't sound that bad, but ever since this school year with Gale, and Jack, plus my self confidence. It overall made me feel awful.

As much as I hate to say it, I want to forgive Peeta so bad but being the stubborn person I am I'm not giving in that quick. I know Peeta didn't mean it that way, but that's how it came out, and that's how I took it.

It not until I break out of my thoughts that I realize the amount of tears streaming down my face.

Peeta looks at me sadly with almost tears coming down his face.

He gives me one last look before walking over to me, taking the blankets off of me and wrapping his arms around my fragile body. Giving me the warmth from his body.

Instead of breaking away from him, no matter how much I want to. I just let my body relax in his arms.

"Katniss, no matter how much I try I can never stay away from you, or mad at you." He says wrapping his arms tighter around me "I love you!" He whispers into my ear softly

They are getting back together! Comment ideas and thoughts!

Always (An Everlark Story) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz