Chapter 2

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Katniss POV

I decided to stay with Annie the whole week since it was the easiest thing and I was starting to enjoy her company. It's Friday the week has gone by really fast. Everything has been going great! I have A's in all my classes and I'm way closer to the group. Except for one thing. Peeta. He hasn't come to school this whole week. I'm really worried about him. I've sent him messages called him I even went up to the bakery a few times, but his dad said he was sick and didn't want to see anyone. I don't know if it's something I did, or the group did, but every since that day at the bakery I haven't heard or seen anything from him. Peeta has never done anything like this before and I'm worried sick about him.

"You okay Kat? You've been in there for awhile?" Annie says breaking me from my thought, knocking on the bathroom door

"Yeah just thinking." I say opening the door

"About Peeta?" Annie asks

"Yeah. How'd you know?" I ask

"Kat how wouldn't I know. You two are always around each other doing everything together. Everyday. And now he hasn't been at school all week and you haven't heard or seen from him." Annie tells me

"I know it's just I-" that's when I can't hold it in anymore I burst into tears

"Kat it's okay. I'm sure it's nothing you did. You two can never stay mad at each other. Maybe it's something at home? Or he is sick?" Annie says trying to comfort me

"Then why won't he answer my calls or messages?" I ask trying to wipe away my tears but more come down my face

"Maybe he is grounded? And he got his phone taken away." Annie suggests not really knowing how to respond

"And that somehow causes him to not be able to come to school?" I say

"Maybe you can try and call him again? Or try going to the bakery again." Annie suggest

"Maybe." I say shrugging

"Cmon cheer up think about everything positive going on. Like how you got a 100 on that Math test. Or how you get to stay with your best friend all week." Annie says nudging me

"Thanks Annie" I say laughing and wiping away my tears

"Now call Peeta and go to bed it's already 10pm." Annie says walking out of the bathroom and into her room.

"Alright mom!" I say laughing

(Calling Peeta)

"Hey Peeta?" I say sounding a bit tired

"Katniss?" I hear Peeta say after a couple rings

"Peeta! Why haven't you been at school all week? Are you okay? You haven't answered any of my calls or messa-" I start but he cuts me off

"I'm fine stop worrying!" He says softly

"Peeta you haven't been at school all week and you wouldn't miss school for the world. You haven't been at the bakery either according to your dad. And baking is your whole life. You haven't answered any of messages or calls. I didn't even know if you were alive Peeta. So don't tell me not to worry when I haven't seen you all week and haven't answered my calls or messages. You could've been dead."

"I'm sorry. Do you want to know where I am?"

"Yes" I say back to him

"I'm at the hospital." Then the line goes dead

I run as fast as I can to Annie's room and tell her everything that just happened. Then we go to her parents room tell them everything. They say we can go drive to the hospital as long as we are back before midnight. And it's already 10:15 so we rush out of the house and drive to the hospital. We run inside and ask the front desk for Peeta Mellark. They say we can't go in unless we are family but Peeta's dad said it was okay. He walk to his room and I go in first while Annie and Peeta's dad stay outside.

Always (An Everlark Story) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz