Chapter 14

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Katniss POV

Gale got suspended. After trying to hit Peeta a second time. I don't know how long but I think he learned his lesson. Our principle can be pretty harsh.

My mom is still in the hospital but will most likely get out today or tomorrow. She still has her cast but her stitches were taken out yesterday, and she said she feels a lot better.

Prim's nightmares have been getting a lot better. She doesn't really have any anymore. I think it was just the fact that my mom was in a car crash and Prim thought that we lost her too.

"Looks like you will be leaving tomorrow Mrs.Everdeen. I will inform the nurses to get in here and tell you how to properly take care of your arm while your home." The doctor tells my mom, walking out and going to the computers.

My mom is in the training to be a doctor and I can tell she knows what she needs to do but likes having so many people helping her.

A couple minutes later the nurses come and start telling my mom how to take care of her arm and anything else she needs.

"Mom I'm going to go home and tell Prim the good news. I'm going to pack up all of our clothes and stuff." I inform my mom grabbing my car keys off the side table

"Okay sweetie!I will see you tomorrow!" My mom says giving me a hug

"Love you mom! Bye!" I say waving at her as I walk out the door

"Love you too!" I barely hear her say because I'm walking out

I get into my car and drive to Peeta's house. I honestly don't know why my mom just didn't let us stay at our house. I guess it's just because she knew it was going to be a long time.

I don't mind stay at Peeta's house or his family. Sometimes though you just want to be home. Especially when your mom is in the hospital.

My mom gave me a key to the house though. So I could grab my clothes and anything else I needed for the time. She said she wanted us to be protected. Aren't we protected at the house?

Maybe my mom just doesn't trust me on my own with Prim. But I've watched her so many times before.

I honestly don't know why I'm thinking about this so much. It just really bugs me.

Soon I pull up to the bakery or Peeta's house. I walk inside and go up to my room. I see Prim sitting at the desk drawing.

"What are you drawing little duck?" I ask her putting my keys down and walking over to her.

She smiles.

"A picture for mom. Peeta said it will make her feel better."

"I bet it will. I have some really good news!" I say excitedly to her

"What?" She says quickly

"Mom gets out of the hospital tomor-" before I can even finish she starts jumping around the room with excitement

"Yay mom is coming home!" She says happily

"Yeah! So we need to pack up all of our stuff tonight." I tell her

"Okay!" She says happily still smiling

Then Peeta comes in.

"What's all the excitement about?" He asks us

Before I can even speak Prim starts.

"Our mom is coming home tomorrow!" She says excitedly smiling

"Yay! I'm so happy for y'all!" Peeta says smiling

"Yeah I'm going to go call Rue and tell her. I'll be downstairs!" Prim says running out the door and down the stairs

Peeta comes over to me and smiles.

"I told you everything would be alright." He says

"I believe you now." I say

"Gale is suspended and your mom is coming home. Aren't you glad everything is good now?" He asks me

"Yeah! I never thought it would be this good!" I say truthfully

"I'm happy for you though!" He says

"Thank you."

"Peeta." I say softly


"I miss my dad." I say sadly

"I know you do."

"I know I say it  a lot but I just wish he was here. I wish I could  have 1 more day with him." I say truthfully. Really sad.

He comes over and gives me a hug. I never realized how much I love his hugs until now. I bury my head in his neck and relax.

Eventually he starts to pull away from me and look at me.

"Don't." I say holding onto him tighter and burying my head deeper into his neck.

Oh how much I love him.

Everlark is starting! Thanks for the comments and reads!

Always (An Everlark Story) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz