Chapter 33

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Katniss POV

"Kat wake up!" I hear Finnick's voice say to me as a groggily open my eyes

"What? Why are you waking me up?" I ask adjusting my eyes to the bright light shinning down on them. I remove the blankets from above me and realize Finnick is still sitting on my bed.

"Because I wanted to see your beautiful eyes." He says laughing

I playfully slap him.

"I was sleeping so nicely just to get woken up so you can see my ugly grey eyes." I say annoyed

"And Peeta." He says slowly

"I thought he hated me?"

"I'm taking you over to see him right now."

"Wait Finnick? Are we forgetting everything that happened last night?" I ask curiously before we leave

"Honestly Katniss, I don't want to forget. I really like you." He says but takes a pause "I understand if you want Peeta back though."

I sigh deeply "I don't know." After that kiss all of my emotions have been everywhere. I mean I love Peeta and nobody can change that. But he isn't talking to me and he might never talk to me again. Finnick is so funny but I feel weird around him, like we shouldn't be a 'thing'.

We have this awkward silence until he speaks up.

"Well let's go see Peeta." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my bed. Then leading me down the stairs to the front door and taking me to his car, which is parked right by my mailbox.

He gets in after I do, starts the car, and drives to Peeta's house which isn't far away at all.

Once we arrive we agree not to tell Peeta about the kiss, and walk in.

"Finnick, Katniss. It's nice to see the both of you, I know Peeta hasn't been in the best mood lately. He is upstairs if you want to talk to him." Peeta's dad says nicely

"Thank you." I say already on my way up the stairs

I open his door and see him sitting at his desk drawing.

"Peeta." I say slowly walking closer to him. Finnick decided to stay outside to give Peeta and I a little privacy.

He jumps not even noticing I walked into his room.

"Katniss, I told you not to come and see me the last time we talked." He says not taking his eyes off his painting.

He dips his paintbrush in his grey paint and I see him draw 2 little circles on his paper.

"And you thought I'd listen?" 

He sighs only know looking away from his painting and at me. "I was trying to protect you because-"

"Because that's what we do we protect each other" I say finishing his sentence for him "You only hurt me more by not letting me see you and breaking up with me."

"Katniss, I know that.  I was in no condition to have a girlfriend, I didn't want to hurt you even more than I did." He says calmly

"Spending more time with Delly hurt me enough." I say sadly

"I'm sorry Kat."

"Why did you do it? Why didn't you answer any of my calls or texts? Peeta I was so scared for you i didn't know what happened. I would come to your house everyday and wait for you to come down or let me into your room. But the one time you did, it was to break up with me. That hurt Peeta. A lot." I say tearing up a bit

He walks over to me and wraps my arms around me, he never liked the sight of me crying.

"My mom and brother died Katniss." He says bursting into tears.

"Why didn't you tell me Peeta?" I say sadly thinking about how Peeta has been sitting here suffering while I was off kissing Finnick.

"Katniss I was so shocked I didn't know how to handle it. I hated her so much Katniss but it hurt so much. And my brother, he was my best friend." He wipes away his tears and continues "You see my mother got out of jail and my brother went to go get her. Since my dad wanted nothing to do with her. While they were driving home a drunk driver hit them causing their car to flip into the water. They were trapped." He says slowly

"Come here." I say holding him as he sobs into my chest.

"You know you can tell me anything Peeta, anything. I went through this too but with my dad. It's okay, it will get better." I say trying to make him feel better.

Suddenly all those times he never answered my calls or messages goes away.

He continues to cry into my chest "Katniss why does it hurt so bad?"

"Because those are people you loved or once loved. Well your brother. Because those are people you cared for and looked up to and now you will never see them again."

"I tried to be strong for my dad but every time I say you I had to hold back my tears." He says wiping away his tears

"You don't have to be strong for me Peeta. I wish I could've been there to help you cope. Why did you push me away?"

"You didn't want to see me Katniss, I was so depressed. I would push everything away. I barely would eat. I had these moments I just had memories going through my head. I don't know what it was." He says sadly thinking back to all that's happened

I hug him once again. The smell of bread and cheese buns still lays on his shirt even if he hasn't baked in awhile.

"Why did you break up with me?" I ask remembering that horrible day where I did nothing but cry.

"I was being a coward and selfish about everything that happened. I forgot my dad lost his son. I would always get so frustrated when I saw him. Once I realized how bad I was treating him I realized I wasn't treating you any better and I couldn't stand myself. Your the only person I've ever loved so much and I put you through so much pain." He says sadly

"Do you still love me?" I blurt out covering my mouth after I say it. I've been wondering it the whole time but never said anything.

I see a tear slip as he is about to answer the question "Always."

Always (An Everlark Story) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz