Unexpected Guests

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"Nicollette! Heeeelloooo!? Letty!!!' Joyce half-yelled at me. "You're daydreaming, aren't you?!"

That's when I returned back to earth. I don't know what I was daydreaming about. I think I was just blank the entire time. But that's me. I guess I overthink situations sometimes.

"Huh, what?" I replied. Not my smartest response. Joyce just looked at me with an annoyed expression.

"Nevermind.. Uhh, so are they coming?"

"Yeah, they're on their way." I took a spoon full of ice cream and shoved it into my mouth,  savoring the light flavoring of vanilla mixed with almonds.

"Becky can't come." I sighed. Becky's my cousin and she's a year younger than us.


"Yeah, my aunt is against this whole band thing at this age. But I think it's helping Becky come out of her shell. Ya'know?"

"Yeah, Becky, I've noticed that she's more, how do I say this, 'alive' when she's with us."

"Ye---" I was interrupted when hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" Someone said in a German accent.

"Thomas, I know it's you"

"This isn't Thomas" He said trying to sound different. I elbowed him in the stomach and he released his hands.

"Ha! Knew it. You're the only one that can pull a German accent like that."

Thomas, is a bit nerdy. He's half German and Filipino. His dark brown hair fell down right above his eye brows. He always wears his favorite green and black zip-up hoodie.

"WAAAADUP!" Thomas sat down next to Joyce and started eating her fries. "So why are we here?"

"Band meeting." I replied tweaking on my phone. "We need a new band name."

"But wh---"

"Hey guys." Joined a voice.

We all looked up to see Raymond. His light brown hair was styled in a faux hawk, and a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Raymond!" Joyce exclaimed. 

Ray smiled and sat down. Thomas and he did that 'What's up bro' nod.

"Hola!" I managed to say, putting my phone in my pocket. "Okay! Let's get down to business."

"Let's get down to business!" Joyce sang. Like from Mulan, which is like her favorite movie.

"Why did we meet at the mall?" Ray asked.

I gritted my teeth. "I was already here with my brothers who wanted to buy new clothes for school. I bumped into Joyce, thank goodness! I didn't want to spend a day watching my brothers buy clothes and flirt with girls in the stores. You said you were coming with you sister and mom. All we needed to do was contact Thomas and tell him to come. Becky is busy." I took out my phone and started tweaking with it again.

"O-kay. So what's this about?"

"Band name." This time Thomas spoke up.

"Any ideas?" I asserted.

"How about..." Joyce trailed off.

Everyone was in deep thought. Our band means so much to each of us.

"Something foreign." Added Ray.

"Foreign?" Questioned Thomas.

"FOREIGNly Obsessed?" Proclaimed Joyce. "I mean we're all different ethinicities that we're obsessed with. I mean...Well?"

Mindless Behavior (Currently editing and changing names)Where stories live. Discover now