Finally Content With My Life

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“It’s a no for me. I’m not going to let my daughter travel around for three months with a bunch of strangers.” Aunt Rene said crossing her arms.

“I agree!” Ray’s mom said.

All of our parents agreed. We all looked at each other with worried expressions. I guess we’re not going to be famous after all.

“Would it be better if you met Demi Lovato? Has she told you how friendly and nice our crew is? We have the best body guards and security; we have maids that make the healthiest foods and a trip of a lifetime. 50 cities in three months. They’ll get the rest they need.”

“What about school and homework?” Aunt Rene protested.

“They will finish early. Take their finals before they leave.”

“But that’s too early. They haven’t learned all their materials and prepared enough.” Once again it was Aunt Rene.

“Yes, it’s a risk. But these kids are smart. They are all in top classes right now. They got it covered.”

The parents all looked at each other. Speaking telepathically. Uh-oh. Something’s about to go down.

“Well. If you say that they’ll be well taken care of and I’ve met Demi personally,” my mom spoke. “I know that the kids will be in good hands. So I agree to let my daughter tour. Who knows, it can lead to great opportunities.” My mom smiled at me. 

‘Thank you mom!’ I mouthed. ‘I love you.’ I looked at my dad and he looked okay with it.

“Words from Nicolle’s mom, I’ll take and trust. I’ll let my boy go.” Thomas fist pumped into the air and hugged his mom.

I stared at Joyce and she was pleading her mom.

“If anything goes wrong, you send my child back. You got it?!” Ray’s mom was sending daggers to the man.

“Yes. I will. If any injuries are made, I will gladly pay off the debts.” He replied with a smile.

“When I get your grades in the mail and don’t see all A’s, You are come straight home! You hear?” Joyce squealed and hugged her mom. “THANK YOU, THANK YOU!”

“That just leaves one more.” Everyone looked at Aunt Rene. She looked taken aback and replied..

“I don’t like this one bit,” She said, crushing all of our hopes. “But,” We all grinned. “I want a souvenir from every place you stop and a call every day.” We all cheered and jumped up and down in excitement!


“GREAT! Then it’s settled, Here is a contract and please state any health problems and any emergency things you want to list down. Just read it through, no rush. I’ll also call their school and set up a date for their finals.”

“THIS IS THE HAPPIEST DAY OF OUR LIVES!” We cheered. Our parents laughed at our excitement.


I walked up to my room with a huge grin on my face. Touring around the state and becoming famous. That’s something we’ve all never saw coming. I changed out of my clothes into warm pajamas. I sat on my bed and started homework. Plugged in my earphones and played music on the second loudest volume. I hummed to the song with a smile on my face.

The meeting was after dinner and it went better than expected. At first, I thought we weren’t going to be touring. We were their last hope. It was a sign obviously. I smiled. Touring around the U.S. With Demi and with the band. 3 months in a cramped up RV with the band.

Mindless Behavior (Currently editing and changing names)Where stories live. Discover now