Out of It.

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Short Chapter. 


"GEEZ. WHAT THE HE—" a hand was put over my mouth.

"Be quiet okay?" Troian said softly. I nodded and he let go.

"What do you want?" I said.

"I just wanted to ask you to the dance. Will you go with me to the dance this Friday?"

Did he just?! No he didn't! I looked at him. No, I glared at him.

"I'm sorry, I'm not going. And why would I go with you? Did I make it clear that I wasn't interested?" I said as the bell rang. I made a move to walk away, but he grabbed my arm again.

"C'mon Letty. Look, I'm sorry for everything. Just think about it okay?"

I didn't want to say or do anything to get him mad. I just stared at him, he's not really sorry. He just wants me to think that he's actually sorry. I said nothing and turned around. This time, he didn't grab my arm.

I was late for fourth. The first time I was ever late to this class. Tristan was looking at me weirdly. I just ignored him and walked over to my seat.

I started on the notes that were on the board.

*buzz* I heard from my bag.

I took out my phone and read the text.

EJ: Olivia and I are going to Starbucks at lunch. Want anything?

Me to EJ: Can you get me a Grande hot chocolate?

EJ: Sure thing!

Yay! Something to actually make my cold day. I smiled the rest of the period. On the way to fifth, I walked alone. I didn't mind. I didn't mind at all. Well who am I kidding? I did mind. A lot.

I walked into class and avoided everyone. I sat in the corner and people filled the seats around me. It's like they knew I wanted it filled. Zale came in and frowned big time. Luckily, today, we only watched a movie.

Zale: What's wrong?

Me to Zale: Everything.

I felt sick after that. I felt so sick; I asked to go to the nurse's office. Zale wanted to come, but I told him to stay. What a day ruined. I can't go through another emptiness day again! I just can't.

Turns out, I have a slight fever. I guess it's because I stayed outside with Bryce. I stayed in the nurse's until lunch.

When the bell rang, I rushed out. I knew Zale would be on his way, so I took the liberty and just quickly bought my food and headed straight for my locker. It was hard to pretend that I didn't hear anyone calling my name.

You know what I like about where my locker was, barely anyone was around. Like less than five people.

When I reached my locker, I leaned on it for a few seconds before sliding down to the floor. I just sat there, doodling and eating my food.

EJ: Hey! We have your drink. We're at the overhang.

Zale:  Are you okay? You're not at the nurses. Did you go home?

I stood up throwing away my food and placed my notebook in my locker. I slowly made my way to the overhang.

"NIC!" Zale yelled as he came to hug me. "Where were you? I was worried that you died on the way to the nurses or something!"

"I'm fine." I mumbled. I really liked the hug. I needed it.

"Are you sure? Cause that text didn't sound like you're fine."

"I'M. FINE." I said trying not to sound mad. I hate being rude to Zale. He was making it a big deal in front of everyone and I didn't need everyone to know I was not in the mood. 

I walked over to EJ and he handed my drink. I thanked him and walked back to sit with my friends. I noticed Bryce and smiled at him.

"We should go dress shopping for you afterschool." Joyce squieled. 

"I'm not going to that stupid dance." I got up and walked away. I don't like dances. I don't like dress shopping and I hate everything.  

I was not in the mood at all. Like I don't know why I'm feeling like this again. Maybe it was because Troian had asked me to the dance? I don't actually think so. Or maybe that fact that no one asked me to the dance. 

I made my way to the front of the school and sat at a bench. I stared at the cloudy sky, the wind blowing my curled hair, the trees swaying with the wind. I sat there for a few minutes just thinking and trying to calm myself down. The tears were threatening to pour out. I kept blinking for them to go away. 


I turned to see Tristan standing there.

"Hey." I turned to look at the sky and Tristan sat next to me. I hope he doesn't notice my red eyes. But i did want him to. I wanted him to take care of me. To actually think of me. 

"Do you want my jacket?" he said half taking off my jacket.

"N-no, I'm fine." Holding up my Starbucks towards Tristan. He modded and put his jacket back on. 

We sat there in silence.

"Are you going to the dance?"


"Why not?"

"Its..I...I just don't."

He was about to say something, but his phone spoke for him.

"Hello? Oh hey Dom. I'll be there in a bit. See you soon!"

He stood up and grabbed his backpack.

"I have to go."

"It's cool. She's your everything."

"What?" Tristan asked catching that last part I wasn't suppose to say outloud.

"I'll see you in sixth." I tried to sound convincing.

"Okay. See you soon."

He stood there for a while as if he was waiting for me to tell him the truth. When he waited long enough, he walked around the corner.

"I wish, Tristan. I wish you just realize." I sighed as I grabbed my bag and book and headed opposite direction.

 I walked home sniffling and coughing. I didn't want my parents to know that I ditched so instead, I went to the band room. I took out the blankets and wrapped myself in a little cocoon on the couch and fell alseep.  


Mindless Behavior (Currently editing and changing names)Where stories live. Discover now