Late Night Text

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*beep beep, beep beep*

Why is my alarm going off? What time is it? I grabbed my phone from my short's back pocket that was on the floor. Seven text messages.

Joyce: Nic, we should go school shopping today! LMK!

Thomas: Joyce wants to go school shopping. -______-.... Puhh lease tell me that you're going?!!

Joyce: Is Thomas texting you?! I'll be over at 12! So I hope you're already up!

Ray: Do we have practice today?

Joyce: It's 10, Wondering if you're awake woman!

I looked at the time. 11:10. CRAP!

Joyce: It's 11, Are you up?!

Aiden: Hey, I'm outside with Charles. We called Jon, but he isn't picking up. -____-. :]

Aiden and Charles are Jon's friends. Aiden Duke, I've had a crush on him since third grade when he moved here. He's Olivia's brother. They looked nothing like each other though. You lose yourself in his blue eyes. His smile was so white; he could have made his own commercial. Charles was also dreamy. He is shy when it came to certain girls, but his parents set him up with an arranged marriage. So it sucked for him.

Me to Aiden:  Hey. Are you guys still outside? You do know that Jon's a HEAVY sleeper? :p

Me to Joyce: I just woke up GIRRLL! I'll be ready by 12:30.

I got up, brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, and changed into sweats. Text message.

Aiden: Yeah, were chillin' in my car. Jon's a heavy sleeper? Holy Shit! No wonder. :p

Me to Aiden: Ok.. I'm heading down to open the door. Why are you guys even here?

Aiden:  Cool! We'll be there when you open it. Jon wanted to play hoops.

I opened the door. Aiden and Charles were standing there looking hot in just gym clothes.

"Isn't that an uneven team?" I laughed

"Yeah, but we're just going to condition for basketball" Charles said stepping in.

I raised my eyebrows. "Okay. Basketball season isn't until after the New Years'."

"Well yeah, but summer has really lazied us up." Aiden said with a shrug.

"Yeah, you guys look like you've gained a little bit." I teased hitting Charles in the stomach with the back of my hand. 

"I only gained two pounds this summer thank you very much!" he said tousling my hair and making his way up the stairs. 

Aiden smiled at me. "So how was your birthday party? Sorry I couldn't make it." I focused in on his smile. Still perfect as usual. I bet I looked stupid looking at him all dreamily. If he noticed, he probably let it go. 

"It's fine. You just missed out. That's all." I replied smoothly.

"Damn. I actually forgot your present at home, I'll bring it tomorrow."

"You got me something? You didn't have to. I have a surplus of things." I nearly leaped with joy. He thought of me. He got me a present. He spent time to get me something. 

"No, no. I wanted to." He insisted. 

"Alright." I blushed.

"Aiden! Come help me wake up this foo'!" Charles yelled from the top of the stairs. We both laughed.

"He really is a heavy sleeper isn't he?"


"Yeah. Okay. I'll see you later?" 

Mindless Behavior (Currently editing and changing names)Where stories live. Discover now