Chapter 44 New Hope for Humanity

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Julia lifted her head from her relief and got us under control. I settled down, and we walked away in further directions.
"Lilly, go over near Jen and Jen you help out Lilly." Julia yells as she points towards Jen. I jog to Jen, who has a very confused face.
"What are you doing over here?" Jen whispers.
"The other MP officer thinks I can't turn in it a Titan that can seal the wall. I need to hid behind you, and you transform. Don't show ur transformation to the MP officer besides Carol." I whispered as I walked behind her. She stepped behind the puller behind me, and I poke out from the side. I watch as Carol and Julia finish up putting on the maneuvering.

"You might need to back up. It will get very hot." I yelled. Carol, Julia and the other MP officer back up all the way to edge. I step back behind the pillar and Jen.
"How do u do this?!" Panicked whispered Jen.
"Look, think of the goal. To repair that pillar so it won't cave in. Then bite your hand or injure yourself any other way, while imagining the goal." I explain.
"Ok, will it get really hot like you said?" I can tell Jen was getting nervous about this.
"You won't feel anything, but to them it will be hot." I whispered. I shifted my eyes towards them to make sure they couldn't see.
"What about you?"
"I probably won't feel anything, and if I do, then the burns will heal themselves remember." I said, shoring my eyes back to Jen. She nodded her head and turned to face the pillar. She put her hand on it and held her other hand close to her mouth.
"Ok I'm ready." She whispered.

I nodded my head and backed up a few steps.
"Go." I said to Jen. I watched as she brought her hand closer to her mouth. In a matter of seconds Jen's body was consumed of the Titan's flesh forming around her. I covered my head with my arms and squinted my eyes from the heat and wind. The pressure from the wind was very strong, and I felt my feet begin the slide backwards. The heat was excruciating painful. I never expected that it would be this hot. But I would have never have known anyways. When everything cooled down and Titan smoke cleared enough for me to see, I looked up at Jen's hardened Titan. It didn't have much color to it, but it looked like there was a grid of crystals throughout the surface of the Titan.

I then hear the sound of the gas being extinguished from someones maneuvering gear. Julia fired a wire to the Titan's neck. I watch as she turns in the air, and makes herself go faster by pushing out the gas. Julia glides through the air as she winds back her blades. The cuts through the neck, and more smoke gusts out. Julia comes back to Jen and begins to pull her out. A few minutes later and the sisters are back on the ground.
"Did it work?" Jen asked.
"Yeah, you just need to do this a few more times. Then I think we'll be able to go to Nishi and repair the wall." Said Julia.
"What should I keep doing?" I asked.
"The same you did now."

I nodded my head, and the three of us walk out from behind the pillar, now attached to a crystal-like Titan. The smoke began to clear more, and as we walked to the others Jen said "Lilly, smoke is coming from a few spots on you." I look down at my arms and waste and see blotches of my flesh burned, along with holes in my clothing.
"Sorry!" Jen whined.
"It's fine, remember, it'll go away." I calmly replied. I looked back down and saw smoke begin to flow from the burn wounds.
"See!" I said with a closed eye smile.
"Alright, but your Scouts jacket and your undershirt have holes in it too." Jen said. I can tell she was feeling guilty about how I looked due to the heat from her transformation.
"It's fine." I sighed. Jen looked away and said ok.

We got to Carol and the other MP officer, and Julia explained what we plan on doing for the next few runs. I look at the male officer and mentally chuckled. He had 'flowing' hair, with was cut to near the bottom of his ear. Few hairs grew on his upper lip.

It was until Carol asking me something snapped me back to reality.
"So what happened? You have whole in you clothes."
I looked at the holes and noticed that the smoke seeping from my flesh has stopped, leaving brand new skin. As if nothing happened and I just have holes in my clothes.
"Oh, well when Julia what cutting me out, she might have gone to deep." I lied.
"Commander Julia, you should be more careful! We can't hurt the thing that will save the walls!" Carol laughed. Jen and I awkwardly laughed, and Julia seemed to be annoyed. Julia then cleared her throat and said "Right, well Lilly will make four more Titans, then we'll be on our way to Nishi District." Carol nodded her head, and the three of us left them to go to another pillar. Only to have Jen make four more Titans.

A long and burning hour and a half later Jen was barely able to complete her four Titans. On the final one, Julia and I panicked when Jen was more consumed in the flesh and was harder to get out. Once we did, we saw that Jen's face had lines run through it, especially in the eye area. The part where the Titan connects you mentally to the body, and you see as a Titan would. I gently shook Jen, trying to get her up, but nothing happened.
"She's probably exhausted." Julia said. I nodded my head, then hoisted Jen onto my back. We walked back to Carol and the other officer.
"What happened?" Carol asked.
"This last one got her off balance and she hit her head and passed out. She'll be fine in a few hours or so." Julia explained.
"Alright, we'll follow you to Nishi!" Carol said. She turned around and walked to the tunnel leading out of the cave, with her assistant traveling behind. I watched them until they vanished into the darkness of the tunnel.

Julia picked up a case that was left behind, knelt on the ground and opened it up.
"What's that for." I asked, trying to turn but stopping due to Jen's head resting on my shoulder. I hear the the clicks of Julia unbuckling her maneuvering gear and placing it in the case. With hearing that I've already gotten my answer, but Julia replies with "Carol has given it to me to use." I nod my head then look towards the tunnel. In the corner of my eye is see Julia stand up and take the case with her.
"Ready?" I ask. Julia nods her head and walks I from of me. I follow her through the tunnel, and up the stairs, barely. Carrying Jen up the stairs was like how we had to carry heavy luggage in the rain when we were in the Training Corps. Without a word we walk through the field, and I look around for a carriage.
"Where is it?" I asked.
"It's coming." Julia said. I turned in her direction and and see a carriage ridding up towards us.
"Did you have it already sent?" I asked, squinting my eyes from the direct sunlight.
"No." Julia said. I raised an eyebrow and ask "Then who sent it?" Julia shrugs her shoulders and sighs "I dont know, but we'll find out when we ask the driver." As we continued walking, and the carriage continued coming, our distance from each other grew smaller and smaller.

I lifted Jen up higher and adjusted her weight on my back. When we met up with the carriage and its driver, Julia asked the driver who sent him. I open the door and tried to gently place Jen on one of the seats, but she slips and lands in the aisle.
"Sorry!" I whisper. I turn her body and resting her on the seat. So that she wouldn't lean over, I moved her closer to the wall and she leaned on that. I closed the carriage door, and followed Julia through the other side.
"Who sent it?"
"Carol had two prepared, for her and us." Julia replied. I sat down on the same bench next to Jen and Julia sat across from me.

"Update on the plan?" I asked.
"The next step is to go to Nishi District and seal the wall. Once that's done we kill off whatever Titan is left inside. Then you make your escape and look for the other civilization." Julia said with a small smile. I smiled back and tuned my head to look out the window. Finally, after all the pain and sadness I've seen and experienced through these past years will comes to and end. Sealing the wall, and a new hope for humanity.

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