Chapter Two

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Author's note: I couldn't wait to introduce Dallas to you guys (; I've actually had this written and saved for a while but I've been busy. Thanks to mjt123 for commenting and I'll be putting their advice to use when I write another chapter (: comment if you want.


P.S. Thanks to everyone who suggested Asian/Latina actresses for the part of Tammy! I picked Roxette Arisa in the end (: there's a picture of her on the side. Kudos to NyoFace for the suggestion!

Chapter Two
Dally's POV

I walked down the street toward Buck's, weed in hand. Buck had told me to try act decent at least because his oh-so-strict sister was now supervising him. To be honest, I didn't give a hang if someone was watching or nobody was. It shouldn't have to make a difference.
I'd wanted to crash over at his today because his sister had made a cake. Hers were the best. Definitely a MILF.
She answered the door and I sneaked glances at her pert little ass as she led me in. Buck was laying on the couch sleepily.
"Hey Buck, shove over, will ya?"
He rolled to the side, letting me plonk down.
"Where's that niece of yours, huh?"
"School," Buck answered, sitting up. "Oh, and you touch her, you're dead."
I gave him a look. I knew how protective he was over his niece but if she took after her mother, I'd have a hard time keeping my hands off her.
"How's things with Sylvia, by the way?" Buck asked lazily.
"Oh, she got sick of me being in the cooler all the time. And the she found out I was fooling around behind her back and the rest is history."
Buck laughed. "You gonna get her back?"
I shrugged. "Why should I? I'm sure there's plenty more broads I could go pick up that would actually enjoy my services."
This made Buck fall off the couch in laughter.
"Services, dammit Dal, there's never been a better word for you."
"Fuck yeah, Dallas's One Night Stands aren't famous for nothing!"
I decided that I wasn't going to go after Sylvia again. I didn't even want a relationship. Who wants a girlfriend when they can have endless days of fun with people never getting sick of you?

Tammy's POV
Buck had told me to take the bus to get home if I couldn't get a ride. Marcia offered one, but it was in Randy's mustang and I wasn't sure he'd be pleased, especially after today's events.

I paid my bus fare. There was only one seat left, so I sat down next to a kid who looked about fourteen or fifteen, like Johnny. He was reading, but looked up as I sat down, eyeing me warily. I realized who he was, why he looked familiar. He was Johnny's friend that had been waiting for him at the door.

I glanced at him awkwardly.
"Um, hey," he said.
"Hello," I replied coolly.
"Thanks for what you did with Randy back there. Ain't nobody talk to him like that."
I smiled. Yes, he and Johnny really were close if they could say the exact same things.
"What's your name?"
"Ponyboy Curtis."
I nodded politely. "Ponyboy," I said, sounding it out on my tongue. "I like it."
"Thanks. I like it too. My brother's called Sodapop."
I grinned. "Yeah, I met him at the DX when I first arrived in town. We talked."
Ponyboy smiled. "What do you think of him?"
I could swear there was a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"He's nice. Outgoing, I guess. Quite a looker too, I might add."
This got Ponyboy grinning.
"Anyway," he said, changing the subject, "what's a Soc like you doing taking the bus? Shouldn't you be driving around in some tuff mustang?"
Ponyboy looked at me. "You don't know what a Soc is?"
I shook my head earnestly.
"Well," Pony chuckled, "you really oughta have done your homework before coming around."

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